Chapter 9

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Elle wanted to go after him but knew there was nothing she could say to make the situation better. Instead she took the stairs and headed to the room she thought the child might be in. It was Lucian's child; she wanted to learn to love him.

Darius felt powerless and most of all hopeless, knowing the betrayal and hurt his brother was going through because of him. Darius want to crawl into a dark hole. 

Elle was gone and Deva wanted to comfort her sister but Lucian needed it more. 

"I'll go find Lucian," Deva was already making her way to the exit. 

"I'll go with you," Marcus volunteered.

"No," Deva refused. "I don't think he'll talk to anyone else." 

Marcus nodded knowing she was right. Darius' face couldn't get any sadder. He was torn and she could tell it was eating away at him. It was itching at her too so that's why she needed a break. She couldn't and didn't want to believe all that had happened. 

Adamarius walked with her outside till they reached the front of the woods. 

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you say something sooner?" She was mad and hurt. 

Adamarius hated putting her through all of it. "Because I didn't even know the boy existed till recently. I had no reason to open old wounds and hurt you even more. I was hoping to avoid telling you completely." 

"Then how did it come about? Where was the boy before tonight?" He must have had a home. 

"That's what I've been trying to figure out. I was locked away for five years. The boy and the redhead never even crossed my mind once I got out." Adamarius dug through his memory. "I went to the human world for a while then when I came back here to help you I heard rumors." 

Rumors? "Why weren't we announced? What's the use of being a royal if you don't hear these type of things." It was just nerve wracking to have all that power yet not know about such a huge scandal. 

"I don't know. I'm not even sure where Amber was sent after she was forced to leave the castle." 

"Where is she now? Why wasn't the child taken care of?" 

"Because she died giving birth to him. The child was looked after by a human widowed maid who died yesterday." 

The story was slowly piecing itself together. It was a sad tragic story that only made her want to shield and shelter the child even more. 

"He was left alone, to fend for himself." 

"Is that why he transitioned to a vampire so quickly? He was scared and trying to survive."

Adamarius nodded. "Yes that's my theory."

"I should go find Lucian now." She took a step into the woods and immediately caught his scent.

If he would have teleported there would have been no way for her to track him down. He must want someone to find him, if he left such an open trail. His scent led her to one of the cabin houses by the coast that the family owned. It was pitch black inside but she could see his figure reflected by the moon. 

She didn't even bother to say anything. She just sat next to him; know that if he wanted to talk he would.

It felt like an hour till he finally spoke. "I never thought he would do this to me." 

"We all do stupid things." 

"But he is my brother Deva. My brother." The word now offended him. 

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