Chapter 11

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It was noon already and Max had never seen the castle so quiet or calm before. Everyone was in their own little world still trying to grasp everything that had happened. 

Max felt sorry for his family. It was not the time for all this mess to happen. The Relic Moon was tonight and no one knew what to expect. 

"Hey Maxy Pad, where is everyone?" Sebastian asked taking a seat next to him. 

"This world would be so much better if you crawled into a whole and died." Max was not in the mood. 

"Well who pissed in your cheerios this morning?" 

Max rolled his eyes. "It's been a little too quiet since everything went down last night." 

"And Lucian, did he come back?" 

"Yes. Deva must have given him one heck of a talk." 

It went silent and they both watched at Alcide ran out of the castle with their special visitor close behind. Joshua looked shy but Alcide could speak for the both of them. 

It was a good sight to see. At least they were getting along. 

Deva soon came out of the double windowed doors as well. She glanced in the direction the boys where playing in then went to the table Max and Sebastian were seated.

"How are you doing?" Sebastian's concerned voice pierced through her headache. 

"I feel like I'm going crazy." 

They were sure she wasn't the only one who felt that way. 

"Did you sleep any?" 

Deva shook her head. "I had this dream but I think it was a memory, a memory I forgot or was forced to forget."

"Forced to forget? What was it about?" 

Should she tell them? What was the point in telling them. "I was eighteen and very much human. It was the second time I met Adamarius." 

"Why are you remembering this now?" 

"I don't know." Nothing ever made sense anymore. 

"The Relic Moon is out tonight." Izzy approached the table, worry etching her face. 

"What will you do?" Julia and Marcus also came to join the others. 

Deva didn't want to worry any of the ones she loved, or hurt them. That was why she knew she needed to leave. 

"I can't stay here." 

"Deva we're your family. We stick together. You can't leave." Marcus secretly feared something awful would happen to her if she left. 

"I have to. Max's force fields aren't strong enough to hold me down." She turned towards Max. "No offense. I can't predict what I'll do once I'm under the curse." 

Izzy understood. After speaking with Adamarius that night she somewhat knew Deva would be in good hands. 

"I plan on coming back but if I don't you all have to promise me you'll look after Alcide." Deva trusted her family with every fiber in her body. 

"Deva don't talk like that. You're going to be fine. You're strong. You'll get through it." Julia hated talks of good bye. She refused to believe Deva wouldn't come back. 

"And Darius," Deva continued. "Don't let him lose himself." 

She feared it. No one could image what Darius would do without Deva. 

Deva got up and went in search of Lucian. He was on the balcony, a perfect overview of their sons playing in the garden. 

"You're leaving?" 

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