Chapter 18

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Deva walked out of Alexander's prison castle through a back door and was greeted by Izzy and Sebastian. 

Izzy pulled her into a hug. "You're alright." 

Deva nodded. "Yes, I guess I have you to thank for that." 

"This is all just a mess. Alexander will no doubt attack once he finds out you've escaped."

The sky was falling to a deep slumberous blue as the stars emulated light. It was serene until the deathly warning calls of a wolf like creature screeched into the night. It could only belong to a lycan. 

"Unless he already has." 

Adamarius used his alpha influences to communicate and read his other pack members thoughts. 

"Alexander has assembled his army. The lycans are preparing themselves. I need to go."

Deva's heart was telling her to go home but her head was pulling her to defend her people. They needed her help. It was her fault to begin with. Maybe it was the guilt but either way Deva knew she had to fight beside the lycans. 

"I'll go with you," Deva took a step towards him. 

"I'll warn my brothers." Izzy disappeared into the woods. 

Everything was moving so quickly. It was like a whirlwind of  alternate confusion. 

"Coming cupcake?" Deva asked Sebastian when he didn't move. 

Sebastian nodded. "Yeah. I have a feeling you're going to need my special gift."

The lycan war cries grew louder and louder as they approached the sanctuary. Lycans, some in human form, crowded outside waiting in anxiousness. The tension was visible on every warriors face. They were ready for battle. 

Adamarius' right hand man, Eric joined them with a full report. 

"Alexander has his army stationed just upon that hill. They are marching this way with the pure intention of destroying us." 

"Is everyone accounted for?" Adamarius knew the only way they could survive was if they had everyone present. 

Eric nodded. 

Adamarius turned to Deva. They needed her and he couldn't express how much. He stood proud in front of his people and waited till they went silent and they did. Every pair of eyes fell on him in anticipation. 

Then Adamarius began his speech. "For most of our lives we have lived in secret, hiding who we really are. The moment we come out our lives were at risk. Our survival has been hanging on a thread since our birth. We fight because there is no life for us beyond death. When death closes our eyes our souls no longer belong to us. We only live one life, my brothers and sisters! One life!" He shouted. 

Vampires technically live two lives. Deva could feel the energy and will the lycans had coursing through their veins. Adamarius' encouraging words were pulsing through them, boiling up there fire. They wanted to live. 

"Who chooses our fates? Who chooses whether we live or die? Is it not our right to claim the air that so sweetly grants us years on this earth? This earth was created for all. Are we not creatures upon it?" 

"Ahhhhhh!!!" The lycans shouted. Life was more precious when one threatens it from you. 

"No longer will we let time fade us from existence. We will stand. We will fight. And we will live." 

That was why Adamarius was born to be their leader. He was indestructible. The pain and suffering he had endured in life had built a shield to protect him from anything. It was time to lead his people to victory and a better life. 

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