9 - Gotta Love Food

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The feeling of cheap fabric is really annoying and scratchy. It's like when you forget to take the tag off of a shirt, and it's just poking you for the rest of the day. Not only is the cloth annoying, but this bed is so straight and uncushioned that it's giving me a headache. The pillows flat too. Goodness, what I would give to go back to my little shabby apartment. It's so much more cozy, and warm. All I can do is stare at the ceiling if not toss and turn.

How in all the heck is Deidara sleeping on one of these pieces of crap beds?

I turned towards the bed that Deidara was sleeping on. He emitted small puffs of air with each sleepy breath he took. A thin white curtain separated our beds despite the fact that we slept in the same room. The moonlight from the window outlined his slumbering figure. The shadow of Deidara's broad shoulders fell beyond the curtain and onto the old grey tiles. Looking at his perfectly outlined figure, I was slowly lulled to sleep by the muffled chirps of night crickets.


When I opened my eyes, and rubbed the sleep away I noticed that there was no longer a silhouette of Deidara. I don't wanna wake up yet! I turned the other way and froze. For what I saw before me was a bare tan back. The toned back of none other than Deidara himself. He was trying to quietly open a medical cabinet that held all of his spare shirts in. The hinges of the door clearly needing oil to stop the squeaking.

I just couldn't tear my eyes away from the slight movements he took. With each slow sliding movement, his muscles flexed and relaxed in synchronization. Aaaaah, the beauty of human anatomy. After moments of admiration he had successfully gotten a shirt out, and slipped it on. Darn I always hate it when a show ends.

He turned around to check if I was still asleep, and I quickly closed my eyes. I heard the light padding of his feet against the cold floor as he stepped closer to me. There was a long pause before I heard him retreat out of the door, quietly closing it. I opened my eyes again, and gazed at the door he left through. He didn't even bother closing the cabinet door.

"I don't wanna leave my toasty rock hard bed."It took me a while, but eventually I hauled myself out of bed, and into the lab. Deidara was already there, probably waiting for me to arrive. He stood up and walked up to me.

"You sleep well?"

"As well as I ever could on a bed that feels like concrete." With that sarcastic reply Deidara huffed.

"I am so very sorry Miss Princess that you could not get all your beauty sleep." He bowed, and walked past me. "I'm hungry so let's go into town and get something to eat! Un!" He let out a yawn, and I followed him to the foyer.

"Uh, Blondie? Have you forgotten that you're a wanted man across the Five Nations? Have you forgotten that practically the whole population of Konoha absolutely loathes the Akatsuki?"


"Then how in the heck are you going to go strolling into town to get some breakfast?"

"With this. Un." Deidara jumped back, and rapidly made some fancy hand signs. With a poof of smoke, it revealed a new person. He looks a lot like that movie celebrity. Aurgh what is his name again?

"Oh." I pointed at him " Mitchi."

"Huh? Who the heck is that? Un."

"Gosh how dense are you? Mitchi is a famous male actor that played one of the lead roles in the movie The Adventures of Princess Gale. It's actually pretty popular." I circled around him like a vulture, he still wore the same clothes, but he looked like a completely different person. "How do you expect to go unnoticed while looking like a celebrity? People will flock to you."

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