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,, Bwahahahahahahahaha~~"

My body jerked, when I suddenly heard a loud laughing behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know to WHO exactly that voice belong, but I still did. My eyes caught sight of Jongin, who was now bending and clenching his stomach from laughing spams. I didn't know, how long he was standing there, but he really had a great timing to appear in the most ridiculous situations of mine.

Everybody just stood there, glaring at him, but no one dared to say anything.

At first I wanted to be angry at Jongin, but the fact that they just discovered, that my butt is untouched, didn't let me, so I just stood there and watched him with neutral expression on my face. To my surprise his laugh started to fade away, when he noticed my look, but in that moment someone grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. I stabbed my eyes into the floor and recognized Junmyeon's shoes.

,, Soo, tell me.....yes or not? I need to hear that from you."

His right hand cupped the side of my neck and his thumb brushed along my jawline.

,, I...I've never done that...I've never bottomed. I was always the one on top.... Sorry I didn't didn't even cross my mind....really...."

I mumbled ashamed of myself, that I was so stupid. Maybe it did cross my mind once or twice, but I thought that I would have to think about that much much later.

,,YOU were the top? God, I would really like to see your ex. You are clearly the bottom to me."

Chanyeol chuckled, but I could feel that it wasn't in a bad intention.

Junmyeon let go of my hand and sat up on the couch. He hid his face in his palms and sighed.

,,I'm sorry, hyung. I should have told you, but I really didn't know....I was always the one in charge....."

I apologized, looking at him and squeezed Baekhyun's hand, which was still in mine, tightly.

,, Of course you SHOULD!"

He shouted, scaring me, when for the first time he raised his voice against me. But I didn't back away.

,, But I will do it, hyung! I will!"

I let go of Baekhyun and sat on the couch next to my boss.

,, You will? Oh hell no, Kyungsoo! How can I want from you to lose your virginity with someone you met yesterday? It should be someone you love! I can't agree with something like that...."

He looked at me with desperate look and shook with my shoulders.

The feeling of guilt stabbed me like a knife. I repaired his life and gave him hope just to crush it afterwards.

,, I will do it!"


,, I will!"

,,No, you won't."

,,But I want to !"

,, I don't care about what do you want! I said NO!"

He yelled at me with a growl, making me move further from him. I dropped my gaze to my knees, trembling a little. I felt like a little kid.

I guess that my movement and scared look stopped him from shouting. His expression softened a little, but it was still so painfully sad. I almost couldn't handle it.

,, Kyungsoo...."

He started, but I grabbed every courage inside me and gave him a decisive look.

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