The Artistics of a Fangirls Imagination

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Uhh...We both tend to get really, really    hyped up about things.
Weather it's fictional or not there is always somthing to scream over,-and we're here to prove it to you.

So,today instead of writing a traditional paragraph or two of thoughts,I decided to create a game.The Fangirl Games.
Please note this game is inspired by the game M.A.S.H.
What you will need:
A thing to write with-ipad,pen and paper,ect
A friend,internet or otherwise
The Game Set-Up
Design your categories.
I have come up with a few core ones but feel free to add and tweak to your liking.So;
Neverland & Land of Ooo.
Education:Hogwarts,McKinley High,Mystic Falls High School & Jedi Training Academy.
Occupation:Auror,Lost Boy,Princess,Teacher & Straight up 'Evil is my occupation' (Not going to lie,I made that one for me)
Species:Fairy,Elf,Wizard,Human,Vampire & Dog.
Living Quarters:Abandoned Space Craft,Sewers under a theatre,In a cuboard & Under the Sea.
Adventure Buddy/Romantic Companion:Marceline the Vampire Queen,Rachel Berry,Charlie Weasley,Poison Ivy,Alec Lightwood (looking at you Izz)
So as you can see,I mixed up all the fandoms for a truely unique life but the game can work in any way you like e.g speciffically Harry Potter of whatever.
How the game works
So like vanilla mash,you pick a number and go around all the categories until you stop.What ever you land on you cross  off.You both continue this like regular mash until you each only have one option left from each category.
Now,if you both end up with one of the same options you must fight for your option and the right to choose the losers option afterwards.
You will fight any way you like.Me? I prefer to full on wrestle but if not a simple thumb war will suffice.
After you both have your own unique story you will do the secret category.
This category is filled with dares that you actaully have to do.
You both pick a number between 1-however many dares and you each start well,doing the dares. You continue this and keep adding more dares until one of you gives up.The winner is the person with the most perseverance.
Just like how literally ever character ever has to persevere through all the shit that happens to them.
May the odss be ever in your favour!
P.s Its a good idea to jumble thd numbered dares in a hat so that it is slightly more fair.

The art of fangirling:
This is a topic in which I have multiple degrees in, if we take each of my fandoms to be a degree. Fangirling, is, a skill which develops over time, but some are born with it naturally, and the way I see it, there is a few types of fangirls/guys.
Type one:
These fangirls, are the obvious ones. The ones who wear t-shirts, go to every event their fandom is at, read all the books, seen all the movies, can give you details about each fandom not even the author knows. They constantly try and get you into their fandom. Never once do they shut up about their fandom, and by God, you had better believe that their fandom is the best, and listen to the one hundred reasons why.
They are the ultimate fangirls; they give fangirling new standards. If you cross their fandom, you are dead to them. So, now that you've been warned about them, thread carefully.
Type two:
These are the fangirls who have one or the other, they have only one fandom. And it's either, the books they fangirl over or the movie/t.v. show. They will constantly complain about the other, so, be warned, they will always find ways to point out why the book/movie was better.
Your Aunt dies?
You know Harry Potter's Aunt was really cruel and abusive and the books were so much better at showing it.
It's your birthday?
Did you know the actor who played Trish's birthday today?
You're starting a new hobby?
Katniss Everdeen was a really good archer, and Jennifer Lawrence clearly wasn't.
These people, I feel, are one of the worst types, while type one never shuts up, type two is constantly showing the difference, their whole life is a game of spot the difference. In my case, I just smile and wave, and then walk away to my type, which is below.
Type three:
The subtle fangirls, i.e. me. You may never even know that these people are activists in their fandoms, that they are constantly on Tumblr, talking to their followers, thinking of new head cannons. Infact, they are so quiet about their fandom, you don't even know they have one, let alone are in each possible fandom. However, when you get them talking, it turns into a speech on literally what happened on page 345, paragraph two line five. Okay I'm not that extreme, but it is the silent ones who are most devoted. And it's not that they don't want more people in their fandom, it's that they are scared you won't love it the same as them, or that you'll give them weird looks.
However, when two 'subtle fangirls,' unite, that is all they talk about, cue me and Teddy talking about Harry Potter, non-stop. Our friend's no longer need to read the books we've spoiled so much of it already.
So now that I have covered the three main types, how do you fangirl? Pick a fandom or twenty, read the book(s), have your heart ripped out, and then don't shut up about until September 6th 2016 in which you will be AWOL for a month because the feels will be too much and if SJM even thinks of killing anyone I will lose it and-
Wait no, this isn't Tumblr, opps, also though on the subject of Sarah J. Maas, can I just point out Chapter 55, y'all know what I mean *fans face. *
Or you may watch it instead and have the same effect's put on you. It's a list of symptoms of fangirling more than a how to fangirl.
What do you do when you catch the virus?
Step one: Create a Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Spotify and Facebook page.
Step Two: Follow the author(s)/directors and cast, on all of these accounts.
Step three: Follow pages dedicated to that fandom(s)
Step four: Always have your books/movie(s) on standby for when you use those pages to fangirl.
And congratulations you are now a fangirl. There are a few simple rules.
REBLOG, LIKE, DOUBELATB AND PIN EVERYTHING, you'll always want to look at it again.
When your ranting, or gone into super fangirl mode, BLOCK CAPS EVERYTHING.
Look up as much fanart and fanfiction you can between books/seasons.
Learn the lingo of each fandom, know your references, and Tag appropriately.
Do not over spam your follower's, but keep them in the loop.
Even if you can't make the author(s) or cast(s) Q&A's or Comic Con appearances, try and find the interviews, many, many, many references are made to them.
Do not be a hater, do not be bothered by the haters and the very nitty picky fans who only like their own theories.
And finally, you do not always have to follow just because they are in the fandom, or because the followed you first, you don't want your feed so overloaded that you never see the really good stuff.
And this rule is one I often forget, DO NOT DIE OF FEELS. I know it's hard to not overthink what's going to happen, especially where ToG and Acotar are concerned, but stay calm, our cinnamon rolls will be fine. Well, not if you see the theories on Tumblr I do. But if you write and read fanfic in which they are fine, they'll be fine.
And there you go the art of fangirling. So go forth and terrorise the world with your knowledge. I used mine to teach my family what 'I ship,' means, they're still confused, but they understand what I mean now.

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