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My name's Emmi Butler, or Babytard. But most people now know me as Emmi. I'm ten years old, and live in Pocatello, Idaho, with my parents, and my four siblings, Gavin, Avia, Brock and Daxton. Gavin's thirteen, and his tard name is Sontard. Avia's twelve and her tard name is Princesstard, and even though she thinks that she's a princess, she's not. Brock's seven, and his tard name is Rocktard. There's Daxton, who's three, and his tard name is Brotard. 

And finally, there's me. The middle child and the youngest girl. It sucks. Big time. Mom and Dad pay the most attention to Avia. Avia thinks that she's the star, but she's not. She gets everything that she wants, and it's just not fair. Anyways, I do love school, my friends, singing, acting and dance. Here is my hectic life.

Cursing, bulling, self harm and sensitive topics involved

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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