I'd Like it if You'd Stay

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Are chasing dreams
And chasing cars
So different?
The idea of catching,
The same
The same
The concept of losing and giving up the same?
Life is the biggest joke with the worst punchline
For you to be abandoned?
Just a big joke for you to be locked out when you fall?
Never knowing what to say to make it ok again
Heads always spinning
Counting down to when it stops
When it clears or you're dead
Stay for what you love or go because you lost it.
Stay With Me
Or stay and tell me to go
I'd understand
But stay
You feel so far away when I'm so near
And oddly closer when I'm far
Though not really
I probably just imagined it
Tensions build when friendships break
When the car goes 80 and you're stuck at a stoplight
Do you mean the words you inflict upon any who dare venture close to the void of your heart?
All the same
I'd still like it if you'd

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