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I was tagged by -CuteLilBaby

I guess I just need to tell people 20 things about me and then tag 5 people.... enjoy

1.) I'm a HUGE flirt. No matter what really. I'll flirt with everyone. (Sorry Jason! >~<)

2.) I couldn't care less if you see me as a boy or a girl. So think of me as either please, I'll respond either way. And if you know my gender, keep it a secret. Shhh... hehe...

3.) I love music, it helps me through a lot. I like a lot of bands and songs too.

4.) I'm antisocial most of the time, and socially awkward. So if you want to talk to me you'll usually have to message me first. (Sorry)

5.) I've got a dog. A Great Dane to be exacted and a bird. So I obviously love animals. Wolves are my favorite though.

6.) My eyes are two different shades of brown and will continuously change different shades every day.

7.) I'm suicidal but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. At least I'm trying my best not to.

8.) I've got trust issues and I can be distant at times. So when I say I trust you, please take care of that trust.

9.) When I'm tired, I can become very hyper and I'll giggle a lot. So I've been told that I'm very cute like that. I also might not make a lot of sense when I'm like that.

10.) I like to draw a lot, though I don't think I'm very good at it. With tribal drawings I'll take requests.

11.) I used to play an instrument, but I recently quit. I want to learn the guitar.

12.) Believe it or not, I'm more awake at night.(literally my boyfriend has called me Night Owl) During the day I'm tired most of the time.

13.) I can be very clumsy at times. My mom says I trip on air.

14.) I'm a very protective person. Once you're my friend, I become very protective over you.

15.) I have a dark sense of humor. But you know.... it's fine

16.) Ummm... I'm running out of ideas....I'm half Hispanic.... yeah

17.) I'm an anime nerd. Also I really love yaoi.

18.) I really like hugs and cuddles. I love snuggling. >///<

19.) I like to read, sometimes. Usually manga. But I like other books too.

20.) I really love baggy sweatshirts and shorts. They're comfy and nice.

Fun fact: I'm a dominant person, and I don't like submitting easily, but show me enough dominance and I'll submit.

Okay who will my 5 victims be.... hmmm...






Okay, bye

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