Tag You're It

33 1 11

I haven't done one of these in about a year. I missed doing them!

Tagged by whenhedkmyexistence
Thank you :)

Ten things about me:
1.) I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a year and six months

2.) I'm lazy as hell

3.) I love animals

4.) I like meeting new people

5.) I stay up until 6am very fucking night cause I'm dumb and think I'm like a night owl XD

6.) I enjoy thunderstorms. They calm me

7.) I screw around on YouTube everyday cause I've got nothing better to do

8.) I'm running out of things to say about my boring nonexistent life

9.) I have an adorable little brother and sister on here and a cool best friend that make me less lonely haha

10.) I miss the people that left my life

I tag:










I got to ten. I'll say good enough as it is 6:32am where I am and I can't be bothered putting more in here :)

I got no soiler

Here's a joke.

Are you ready?


What a great joke, right? Did you notice that being funny wasn't in the list of ten things up there?

Well that about does it for me. I really do enjoy tags so feel free to tag me in anything. And to everyone I tagged you can get me back if you want XD


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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