Account Name: loveorhatethisgurl
Nickname: Tin
Birthday: December 23
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Age: secret :)
Gender: Female
Status: (Active/Inactive) partially active, partially inactive
Member or Admin: admin?
Writer or Reader: both
Idol na Author(s): madami :)
15 Fun Facts about you:
1. I am a part time writer
2. My story will be published soon by PSICOM entitled marrying the casanova
3. I am full time student
4. I am an aspiring physicist
5. I have knowledge at computer programming
6-15. I am friendly. follow me sa twitter@meislove23. Tweet me so i can follow you back.
Hobbies: eating, sleeping, facebooking at lahat ng ing ing ing..
Your dream/goal: to be a physicist
Motto: honesty is the best policy? hahaha
Message to all: Admins/Members & Newbies
1. Are you willing to give your best to help the newbie(s)? Why?
2. Are you willing to contibute your efforts to made this group successful?
yes if i am not busy.
3. What do you think will be the best quote that you wanted to share to thosenewbie(s)?
write for yourself not for the others. write because you love writing not because you wanted to become famous.
Message to all: Admins/Members & Newbies
~annyeong! konichiwa! ni hao! hi! Hello!
You Promise:
I promise to..