Part 2- Life's getting better?

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After you finally were able to stop crying Kid suggested that you two should go to a movie theater to get this tragic moment off your mind, you sadly nod your head as you grab your house keys and walk with Kid to the movie theater and you both decided to watch Suicide Squad when you got your tickets *along with whatever you buy to eat/drink during movies* then you guys sit in the middle of theater with a good view. As you sat beside Kid he smiled 'Finally, my chance to be with my perfect symmetric (y/n)  and nobody can take her away from me.' you look over and sees him smiling "You sure seem to be in a good mood considering one of your friends just died," he lightly blushes and scratches his cheek "I-I do? I'm just trying to cheer you up I promise," you look at him a bit longer before smiling back at him and lean your head on his shoulder, "Thank you Kid, I don't know what I would do without you." When the movie ends Kid walks you back to your house and before you could walk into your house he grabbed your wrist and as you look at him shocked he gently kissed your forehead "I'll see you tomorrow at school," you blush and quickly nod your head before embarrassedly walking in as you shut the door you slide your back down the door with a flushed face and your heart flutter 'W-what am I thinking? Kid's just a friend, but maybe....I could be in love with him...? No it's probably nothing' after a while of sitting on the floor in front of the door you softly sigh and go to your room and take off the dress and take your hair out its hairstyle, before putting on (s/p). *(s/p)= style of pjs* When you look at your clock the time reads 11:45 you quickly finish up *doing whatever you do before you go to sleep* and sit on your bed and check your phone and saw that you have no new notifications as you set your phone down before laying down on your bed as slowly falls asleep in a deep sleep.

---------------Time skip to school---------------

When you entered the classroom almost everybody in the class came up to you to tell you things like I'm sorry for your lost and I hope your okay, before Kid could approach you Kiriku walks up to you "So (y/n) I know this is bad time considering what happened to Blackstar....but I was wondering if maybe you would go out with me?," there was a gap of silence before you look up at Kiriku, "I....suppose I could try this one more time..." Kiriku smiles happily and quickly hugs you as Kid tchs and his hands make fists 'Dammit! This is the last time that anyone comes in between (y/n) and I!' Stein comes in and does his wonderful *Haha just kidding XD* lesson about dissection as normal, and after class you and Kiriku make plans for the date to be tonight at 6:44 as Kid listens and stares at the wall angrily and starts planning to get rid of this problem. As school ended and before you could walk home Kid stopped you and looked at you "Are you sure you want to go out with him? There are better people for you," you think for a moment "Yeah I suppose your right but Kiriku seems like a good guy though," Kid quietly growled since you didn't realize that he was talking about himself being a perfect match for you as he quietly mummers "Why can't you see I'm doing all of this for you because I love you so much?," you curiously look at Kid, "What did you say?" Kid shakes his head ignoring your question "Nevermind that don't you have a date to get ready for?," you nod your head and quickly run to your house to get ready for what you thought was going to be date, when you got ready the time read 6:44 and there was a knock at your door and when you opened it you saw Kiriku hanging in front of your door covered in blood and clearly has been dead for some time, you did you best not throw up at the sight as you start balling. 'Why does it have to be me? Why? When can I finally be happy?"


Again I don't own the Soul Eater characters, if there is something you want to happen in the story please let me know in the comments. Also if you want the story to last longer than one more chapter you can tell me in the comments, for those of you who read this thank you and I hope you like this story.

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