Chapter 23

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Ashton's POV
When I get back to the hospital it is seven o'clock in the morning and the hospital is busy. I went home to do some thinking about how I would bring down Natalia and Jason. I came up with nothing but I know that I'd tell dad and see what he can do. I'd need evidence to prove it but I don't care because I know who did it. Hope and faith is what I need because Jenny's situation was critical. I feel so guilty for what happened to her and I know that I was the person that should have been in that hospital bed. I should have been the one that was hit by the car and not her because she didn't deserve it, not one bit of it. I clench my fists at the thought of vengeance lying at my fingertips. I would bring down anyone that caused my Jenny to end up in the hospital.

When I arrive at the hospital room that dad told me she was at I suddenly became nervous. There I was a minute ago thinking about vengeance and now I'm nervous and ... scared? I really don't know what I'm feeling but it's driving me crazy and it's crushing my heart under its feet just by me thinking about about all the pain Jenny is going through just because of my stupidity. How could I not see that all that happened was a big setup? Everything was all to get Jenny out of the picture and I didn't see any of that. I didn't realize that I had been standing outside the room with my hand clenched in fists and my face red with fury until a nurse walked out of the room and asked me if I was okay.

"I'm fine, I just came here to see Jennifer." I told the lady who raised her eyebrows at me confusion.

"Okay sir, you can go in but you only have thirty minutes because it's not yet visiting time but I have been expecting you." Expecting me? Why would she be expecting me?

"Your father told me to let you see her as soon as you came." she quickly said as if she had been reading my mind.

"Oh okay, I guess I will go see her now." I quickly walked past the lady and slowly open the door to the room. I peeked my head inside to see a girl with a bandage wrapped around her head but I could see blonde hair scattered on the pillow and I immediately know that it is her. Her eyes are closed and their are small bruises on her cheeks and chin. I make my way over to her bed and stop when my knees hit the bed. Bandages are wrapped around her feet and I know their are cuts on them. She lies so silent with her breathing slow and her body lying gracefully like an angel even though her skin is so pale. I sit beside her bed in a chair and take her small hand into mines. Tears well up in my eyes as I stare at her. It pains my heart just seeing all these bruises and cuts on her that I caused. I shouldn't have been here. Death was too cruel to the innocent while the guilty like me was left to roam. I deserve none of this. I would give anything just to be with Jenny because she brings me true happiness that I never knew off. All these years that I wanted to get closer to her I wish that I'd done it sooner. I liked her from the first year in high school and I always wanted to talk to her because I saw that she was different from all the other girls at school. I went to Mr. Cooper about five months ago to ask him if he could get Jennifer to tutor me in calculus that I had been failing on purpose just to get to be around her. I thank God when she agreed that day and it felt like the best day of my life. I realized since I've been with Jenny that money is not always everything. I would rather be a pauper as long as I know that Jenny loves me and will be mines forever.

"Jenny, it's me Ashton. I know that you might be upset with me but I don't care as long as you become conscious again. You mean the world to me and I know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so happy that you are in my life because you bring me happiness. Just please wake up and I promise that I'll make up all this to you." I kept whispering sweet words to her until my time was up before I left the hospital room but I didn't go home instead I went to get some flowers for Jenny."

Two weeks later

I walk down the corridor that led to Jenny's room clutching the pink and white peonies to my chest. When I finally arrive at the room I slowly unlock the door and step inside. Jenny lies unconscious on the bed and her hand lies on her stomach the same way I left it yesterday. She hasn't shown any signs of waking up since the past two weeks and I have started to become worried. I place the flowers in the vase on the stand beside her bed and walk over to her. I gently hold on to her hand and rub my thumb over the back of it. Her hand is warm and a bit rough from not getting any lotion for so long. I make a mental note to myself to buy her favorite lotion for her when I come back. I look at her pale face and sigh from not seeing the glowing face I love to see. Tears slide down my cheeks as guilt washes over me like it does every time I visit her. I should have taken down who caused her to be in this state a long time ago and I haven't even told dad as yet.

"Jenny, I'm so sorry for putting you into this position. I should have been the one in this hospital bed and not you. Once again I ask for your forgiveness even though I don't deserve it. I just want you to come back to me because you mean the world to me. Without you in my life I don't know what I'd do. You've changed me from my stupid ways and all I want now is to live with you for the rest of my life because I love you. Baby, just please wake up and I'll make it up to you. I'll give you anything you want, Sweetface." As soon as I have finished whispering those words to her, I feel her fingers move under mines. I can't believe it. Happy tears flows down my cheeks like a river as her hand continues to move but I notice that her eyes aren't opening. After about five more seconds her hand stops moving and become lifeless as it was before.

"No, no, no baby come back to me. I'm here for you, just please come back." I plead to her but she lies there unconscious than she was before.

I immediately run outside to get the nurse. I see the same nurse I saw about two weeks ago sitting on a chair and I run to her.

"Nurse, nurse, her hand moo...moved." I stutter out of breath.

She quickly grabs her clipboard and runs to the room and I follow her. Jenny lies the same way I left her completely unconscious.

"Sir, her hand didn't move." the nurse says looking annoyed.

"She, um, her hand moved, I know I saw and felt." I can't believe that she doesn't believe me.

"Sir, there can be a muscle twitch sometimes but as far as I can see her condition hasn't changed one big, I'm sorry." She grabs her clipboard and leaves the room slowly.

"Bu, but I know what I saw." I shouted after the nurse with tears in my eyes.

A month later
(Still in Ashton's POV)

I grip the gift basket that I received from my daddy for Jenny to my chest. I don't know what the heck could cause the basket to be so heavy. I quickly walk down the hallway to the room Jenny is in because the sooner I get there is the sooner I can put down this basket. Jenny hasn't given me any sign of waking up from about a month ago and I being the worthless person that I am hasn't made any move to solving the crime.

When I arrive at the door, I try to balance the basket in one hand so that I can open the door. As soon as the door swings open I get the surprise of my life. Standing beside Jenny's bed is...
Hello everyone, sorry for the late update. I've been a bit busy and nervous but all that is gone because I've managed to pass my exams. I hope everyone is okay.

Who do you think was standing beside Jenny's bed? You'll have to read to know. I promise that everything will be better in the upcoming chapters.

Poor Ashton my husband, I'm so sorry for the way he's feeling.

"Jenny, please put down the pitch fork I can explain!!!"

How did she do that.

Anyways I'm not sure if the next chapter will be an update but I want to give a small background check on all the characters. Keep on reading and keep on being great. I really want to change the cover but I don't know how to make a nice one.

Chapter not edited

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