Chapter 22

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Ashton's POV
They say when you love someone that you endanger their life, it is better to let them go and set them free but not me. Tears roll down my cheeks as I see blood pooling under Jennifer's head. I'd have taken a car crash, a bullet and a hit from a train any day in exchange for this girl's life. She lies unconscious under my arm as I stroke her face with my tears wetting her cheeks. The asshole who had hit her didn't even stop to see if she was okay but I had managed to get the license plate number.

"Someone please call an ambulance!" I shouted at the crowd of people gathered around Jennifer and I. I feel a soft heartbeat behind my fingers that lie on her chest. I shouldn't have done this to her. I was only trying to save her and now I have made it worse.

Fifteen minutes later, she is ushered into the hospital on a stretcher and I run behind them until they get to the Emergency room. They close the door of the Er in my face and I'm forced to go sit down. I pray that she'll be okay. I didn't mean to do this to her. I should have stayed with her but I screwed everything up. A minute later I see Natalia walking towards me with a coffee in her hand. I don't want that girl to even be a kilometer near me. I just hate her.

"Ashton baby, are you okay?" she asks as she sits beside me with the coffee in her hand and I just ignore her. "I know you must feel terrible seeing that girl get hit right before your eyes but you shouldn't be here because she doesn't mean anything to you." I can't believe what I just heard. She has her fingers draped over my arm and I pull them off in a wink.

"You are the one I wish I will never see again. I wish you were the one hit by the car because you are pathetic." I know my word's cut like a knife but she has no right to say those things about Jenny. Jenny is my life and I love her not Natalia.

"Baby, don't be stupid. I mean she deserved that hit because she tried to steal you away from me." I know that I should not hit females by the I really want to strangle Natalia.

"What about you do this. Go home, pack your stuff and get the fuck out of my life." she seems fazed by my rude behavior but right now I don't give a fuck how she feels. I just want Jennifer to be okay so I can make her my wife in the near future and have kids with her because she's the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

"If I can't have you then she won't. I've watched her fool you into thinking that you love her when you only love me. I'm the girl you have feelings for because I used to give you the best sex ever." I inwardly laughed at the last part of her statement.

"That's right, used to give me the best sex but not any more." I emphasized the last part just to show her that I mean it.

"OMG, how dare you say that to me? I'm going to get back at that girl no matter what it takes." With that she grabs the cup of coffee and her purse and walk away. I'm going to keep what she said as a threat when I confront the police.

I put my hands over my face and lie down in my lap. I can't take this right now, I just want Jennifer to be okay.

Thirty minutes pass before I see my dad, Jenna and Lacey run towards me with worried expressions on their faces.

"Son, are you okay?" Dad asks as he sits beside me.

"Where is Jenny, Ash?" Jenna asks with tears streaming down her cheeks. I pull my sister in for a hug and kiss her temple.

"I'm okay and Jenny's in the emergency room and she's not okay. It is all my fault." I say between sobs. I should have been the one lying down in there and not her.

"Ashton, why the hell would you do something like that to her. I heard what you did and it was your fault that she's in there." Lacey shouts at me and I can do nothing but take it because I know that I deserve it.

"Lacey just calm down, she'll be fine." Dad assures Lacey and he sits beside him and buries her face in her lap to cry.

We sit in silence for about five more minutes before a doctor walks out of the emergency room with a clipboard in his hands.

"Are you the relatives for Jennifer Gayle?" The doctor asked us.

"Um I'm her boyfriend, this is my dad and sister and she's her best friend. She has no other family." I stand and point to everyone I'm introducing. I know I'm lying because she has her grandma but she hasn't heard from her since the day she left because Jenny told me. I don't think her grandma would behave that.

"Okay then, I have some good news for you and I have some bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" the doctor asks.

"The good news first sir." Dad says quickly.

"The good news is that Jennifer is alive and breathing while the bad news is that she's in coma, she has some cuts on her legs that may hinder her from walking for a while and she may have selective amnesia when she wakes up."

I didn't wait for the doctor to finish before I take off running. I don't know where I'm going but I just need some time alone. I feel tears pooled up at the side of my eyes as I recall what the doctor said. I step outside in the cold night air and it gives me a sense of relief for a while but become frustrated again when I remember what I've caused.

Outside the hospital is relatively quiet but there are men in every different corner smoking a joint. I haven't done that in years but I don't feel like restarting tonight instead I make my way to the nearest bar that I see. I shouldn't be drinking now but it's the only thing that can calm my nerves. I enter a club named Pegasus which has a white horse beside the name that has flashing red and blue lights. Men and women are making out at the entrance, some are vomiting and some prostitutes are vying for the attention of men by shaking their huge implants for breasts at them. I walk right through all of those and enter the club. The club is crowded and smelly but I still make my way over to the bar. There is a girl in her twenties I suppose serving liquor to the men and she winks at me when I take a seat.

"What can I get you tonight handsome?" she asks me as she chews on the piece of gum in her mouth giving off an annoying sound. Lucky for me this side of the club is not loud because I'd have a migraine from drinking and the music.

"Can I have a shot of whiskey, please?"

"Sure sugar, you're handsome and intelligent, just what I'd want from a man to raise my three kids." wow and I thought she was in her twenties.

"Here's your order, handsome." I take the glass from her and pay her before I head to the area beside the bathroom where it is dark. I'd rather if no one saw me that can judge me by what I'm doing now. I stop in my tracks when I see Natalia sitting beside a boy I think I know. I hurriedly run to the dark spot because I don't want any of them to see me. I stand in the corner and watch and all they do is talk for a while and it seems like something serious. I recognize the boy as a jock named Jason, I've heard rumours once that he was dealing with drugs. Natalia whispers something to Jason but I don't think it's about me because I don't think any of them saw me. Jason smiles at what Natalia says before she pushes a brown paper bag on his lap. The bag is tightly sealed with a rectangular shape so I can't figure out what it is. I still don't trust Natalia after she tried to blackmail me into leaving Jennifer and then she had set all of that up for me to hurt Jenny. Natalia stands and take up her purse and they both walk out together. I wait until they both are outside the club before I follow them. When I get outside, Natalia is already in her car and Jason is getting into his. They both drive off at the same time and I look at the license plate number of Jason's car and realize that it is the same number as the car that hit Jennifer. OMG, I can't believe Jason hit Jenny. I know that Natalia is involved in this whole scheme. When I'm done with those two they'll be sorry for what they did.
Chapter not edited. I'm sorry for my short chapter. I'll try to update again soon. The girl in the picture is who I picture as Lacey except a little slimmer and she should have freckles. You can picture the characters as anyone you wish.

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