The meet.

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Heya people! Like I promised, a quick update! :D

Since it's my first chapter.. fingers crossed! Hope you guys enjoy it. Also, this chapter's dedicated to Poison_Princess06 without whom trust me, you wouldn't have seen this first chapter! She's the one who urged me to write so all credits to her. Thankyou girl :*


It was her. Again. She, with her long dark hair and pretty face, her innocent smile so bright and contagious.. making her face look radiating. She sat on her usual swing as always, happily swinging without a care in the world...

"Amanda! Earth to Amanda!" I heard a familiar voice.

And I realized I had been daydreaming again. Our boring math class had ended and my friends sat around me. I reluctantly turn to face some guy Christie wants to introduce us to.

By us, I mean me, Emily, Nancy and Natalie. Nick was missing. He always was. Probably off inventing some new video game or hacking some silly website. Yeah yeah, the noob has a techfreak bestfriend.

Anyway back to this guy. Christie had been talking about him since weeks. Okay one, he was very handsome with sharp features and chocolate brown eyes. I had seen him hang around with those popular kids who had nothing better to do than show off. Good thing, he wasn't in my class.

6 feet tall, almost towering over me, he came forward and gave me a dazzling smile which made me slightly dizzy. Taking a step back, I questioningly looked at Christie who immediately chirped, "This is Jake. Jake Ryans."

Jake put his hand forward which I took and muttered, " Hi, I'm Amanda Gibbs."

" Gibbs? What kind of a name is that?" he laughed lightly.

Irritated at the comment I replied, " It's better than yours, Fake Ryans!" Everyone burst out laughing at my silly attempt of a comeback and I felt bad.

"Geez! Calm down girl! I was just kidding around."

Jake tried to calm me down but instead I snapped at him. "Whatever."

This guy may be cute but no one, I repeat, NO ONE messes with Amanda Gibbs. Dumping my stuff in my bag, I grabbed Nancy and Emily and got out of the classroom. Just before leaving, I heard Jake ask Christie,

" Chris, will u please do my Math assignment for me?"

"Sure! Anything for you!" and she gave him a peck on the cheek. Feeling disgusted, I went off to my next class. I had Civics now.

Entering my Civics class, I took my usual last bench seat. None of my girl friends were in this class, so I just got took out my cell phone and checked my messages.

There were four of them. Two of them from my mom saying she had to urgently attend a meeting and would not be there for dinner. I sighed. I hated to be alone at home at night. The third was from Nick asking me where I was.

After quickly replying him, I checked the fourth message which came from an unknown number. I opened it and it read, "Check your desk, sweetheart.

And almost immediately my hand went under my desk only to find nothing there.

"Looking for this?" I looked up to find Jake holding a wrapped up packet.

"It fell from your desk." saying he promptly sat down on the seat next to me. I snatched the packet from him and tore it open. It was bright silver keychain with the words 'You're Mine' engraved in gold on it.

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