well this is Exiting

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I woke up feeling so sick so i was going to go see if we had medicine. So i went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge.

When i opened it the smell that came out of it was like turkey and it smelt good but something triggered in my stomach causing me to run to the bathroom and throw up.

The only bathroom there was, was of course in mine and Ashley's bedroom so i had to run through there so Ashley heard everything that happened.

I locked the door before i threw up so Ashley couldn't come see what was wrong.

BELLA, BELLA, LET ME IN NOW WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU Ashley yelled at me through the door. I was still throwing up so i couldn't say anything and i didn't want to get up and unlock the door.

BELLA PLEASE LET ME IN I CAN HELP Ashley yelled again. I finally managed to say some words.

Ash g-go get my bag from the living room I said to Ash then i heard his loud footsteps go away from the door.

A minute later he knocked on the door. Bella i got your bag just open the door Ash said a little bit more calm.

If i open the door i only want my bag you don't come it okay i told Ashley. I heard him grunt but he soon said okay. So i slid myself over to the door and opened it for the bag to get in.

When Ashley handed me the bag i pulled it through the gap in the door and when it was all the way in i slammed the door in Ashley's face locking it again.

I went through my bag to find a pregnancy test in one of the pockets. I pulled it out and got it ready for me to use.

When i did it told me to wait 30 minutes for the answer so i decided to go out and talk to Ash about it.

I stood up almost falling over but i grabbed the counter and it helped me to steady myself. When i regained my balance i walked out the door and when i did Ash came running to me.

Bella are you okay whats wrong Ashley said worried. I looked at Ashley's brown eyes, Ash we need to talk. Okay about what He asked making me move to the bed to sit down.

A-Ashley i think i am um I'm I'm. Bella you can tell me anything just tell me Ashley said kissing my forehead.

Ash i think i might be Pregnant I told Ashley and looked down at my hands not really wanting to see him face when i said it.

Thats great Bella Ashley said making me look up really fast.

I-Its great, yeah Bella i can finally start a family with you, my other dream he said smiling at me.

I smiled back, wait how do you know have you taken a test for it Ashley asked. Yeah i just took one and i have about 15 more minutes till it will tell me if i am or not.

Ashley are you sure you want to have kids right now, i mean with your band and all i asked. Ashley loomed at me and smiled.

Look Bella i know its going to be scary for the both of us but we can do this. We are both strong and smart we will figure out something i promise Ashley said to me.

I nodded my head and kissed his cheek because i wasn't going to kiss him with my mouth right now are you crazy.

How many more minutes now Ashley Asked. Um about 10 or so i said back. Okay i can't wait i really want to know. I know baby and you will i told him.

After the ten minutes passed i ran into the Bathroom to see what it said.

I covered my mouth and started to cry as the pregnancy test showed that i was pregnant.

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