Telling Matt your pregenant

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Your eyes were staring from the clock to your phone, back to the clock, back to your phone. You expected Matt to come home any minute, any second, exhausted after a long day at work. But you couldn't wait until tomorrow, you just had to tell him everything right now, had to tell him about your visit to the doctor, had to tell him about what the doctor had said to you, had to tell him that finally, after months and months of trying your dream would come true.
"I'm home love!" Matt opened the front door and you could hardly force yourself to stay where you were, you could hardly force yourself not to stand up, not to run up to him, not to wrap your arms around him, not to kill him with hugs an kisses. You wanted this moment to be special, wanted this moment to go exactly the way you had planned to, wanted to see the look in his eyes when he would find out, wanted to see the smile on his face when he would hear the news.
"How was your day?" It was hard to hide your smile, but you didn't want to give anything away, didn't want to spoil the surprise, spoil the fun, so you just tried to be normal, tried to sound normal, tried to do as if everything was normal, knowing that actually it wasn't.
"Long..." Matt fell down in the seat next to you, his arm grabbing your waist, pulling you against his chest to press a quick kiss on your forehead. "Yours?" He turned his head towards you and you swallowed when you stared into his deep blue eyes. You had wished you could have shared this day with him, could have gone to the doctor with him by your side, but maybe, maybe this was much more fun.
"I euhm...I did some stuff today and euhm...I euhm...I have a surprise for you." You smiled and you pressed the palms of your hands against his heated and red cheeks. "Wait a second, I'm gonna get it for you..." You pressed a kiss on his soft lips, but he didn't kiss you back, sighing for a moment.
"I'm sorry, but can't you wait until tomorrow?" He forced himself to smile but you shook your head. "I'm really tired." He kept on protesting, but you had already stood up, walking towards the kitchen to get the cake out of the refrigerator. Maybe it was a little bit too much, especially since it was already past midnight, but you had been looking forward to this day for so long and you knew that no matter how tired Matt was, he wouldn't want to hear this news one second later than he would hear it.
"No, this can't wait until tomorrow..." You whispered softly and put the cake down on the table, your hands shaking a little bit, his eyes widening when he saw what was written on it, when he saw that it was decorated with little soothers, bottles with milk, diapers. "It's nice to meet you, future daddy." You finally smiled your bright smile, blinking a few times, staring at him to be sure not to miss a single movement, a single expression, a single glimmer in his eyes.
"I am?" He jumped up from his seat, as expected all of a sudden forgotten that he was tired, that he didn't want any surprises tonight, that he just wanted to go to bed, that he just wanted to sleep. You nodded and enjoyed the lightnings in his eyes, his lips curling more and more into the brightest smile he had ever smiled, his arms sliding around your waist, his lips kissing your forehead.
"The doctor said that everything was fine and that we just had to take good care of" You stuttered a little bit, blushing, your hands pressed against your belly, your teeth biting your lips, not even able to believe it yourself. This was what Matt and you had wanted, this was what the two of you had been dreaming of, this was what would make your lives complete.
"Hello little Donovan." His hands moved slowly to the bottom of your shirt and he carefully lifted it up a little bit, his eyes staring for a moment, just before his lips started to press kisses on your naked skin, an endless amount of kisses, for you, for the baby that was growing inside of you and probably for himself, the boy who never really had a father, but didn't want anything more than being one himself.
"You'll be an amazing and wonderful father, Matt." You whispered softly and Matt's eyes met yours, his lips still smiling, his eyes still filled with lights and happy tears. "We'll be a wonderful and lovely little family." You felt a few happy tears escaping your eyes and Matt wrapped his arms around you, pressing you against his chest, his lips pressing themselves on yours.
Maybe Mystic Falls wasn't the best and happiest place for a little human kid to grow up, but for a moment you didn't think about that, didn't worry about that. For a moment Matt and you were just the happiest people on the entire planet.

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