Thinking he was inocent he suprises you one day

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"I don't understand why you still help us even if you're mistreated." You bit your lip up at your boyfriend Matt. He only laughed and then you pressed on. "I mean look, now we're dancing at a ball where Vampires are watching us-" You glanced up at the stairs to see Elijah Mikaelson watching you.
Matt raised his brow and looked up, Elijah was joined by his brother Kol. "I help because they're my friends, and i want you safe. These guys are a major threat." He explained and you rested your head against his chest, swaying to the song being played on the piano.
"They're freaking me out." You whispered but obviously they could still hear your conversation. "Wanna just dance somewhere else?" You suggested and Matt took your hand, walking with you to a more secluded area of the party, a corner where barely anybody was dancing and where the Mikaelsons couldn't see you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and continued swaying to the music. "I really want you." He whispered and you pursed your lips together.
"What?" You laughed. Of course you have had sex with Matt already but he was never the one to tell you what he wanted. "Matt, are you okay?"
"I'm great, actually. You just look really good tonight and your dress shows all of your curves-" He placed his lips on your neck and his hands trailed to your hips. Your face was turning red and hot. "You look beautiful."
You smiled and looked around, nobody was looking at you which was a good sign. "Matt, we're still in public." You pointed out. Matt laughed and his left hand held the small of your back into him, his right index finger pressing into your core. You gasped and furrowed your brows. "Really Matt, what's gotten into you?"
"I said I wanted you." He licked his lips. "Wait until we get home." He hummed and you chewed your bottom lip, looking around once more before letting him press his fingers into the cloth that covered the area between your legs. Your dress was so long, obviously he couldn't pull it up in public. "Nobody is watching, let me take care of that."
"But M-Matt." You whimpered and his fingers dug deeper into your clit. "Oh god, why now?" You moaned.
"I picture you under me, sweaty, tired-" He hummed back. "Bend you over the bed-" Matt nipped your earlobe and you gripped his shoulders. The images in your head sent butterflies shooting through your stomach. "Mmm, you want that, Y/N?"
You nodded weakly. "Yes." You sighed.
"Picture yourself sitting on my cock, oh you'd look prettier than you do now." He moaned in your ear, spurring you on to thrust into his fingers. "Anxious?"
"If we didn't have to be here for Elena, I'd force you to bring me home." You groaned in his ear as he did in yours as a response. "Hell, Matt." You hissed.
"Finish you off with my head between your legs." He whispered and you moaned. "Another round in the shower." 
His fingers were pushing you over the edge, the tension in your stomach was about to rip apart and you clenched your jaw, pinching his suit between your fingers. "Oh Matt." You closed your eyes and Matt laughed, pulling his hand away from you. You gasped and stood away from him while panting in exhaustion. "What was that? You expect to touch me like that in public to let it go to waste?"
"Didn't I say wait until we get home?" He grinned and kissed your knuckles.
"Well I should say I'm proud." You both spun around, Kol Mikaelson standing there with a large grin plastered across his face and his hands behind his back.
Matt knitted his brows together. "Uh, what-what do you mean?" Nice one Matt.
"I've always been the one for PDA-" Kol looked over at you, nodding your way. "And I never would have expected such an interesting show like that, at my family's ball. Especially since you are friends with the Gilbert, is it?" He laughed and you nodded, pressing your mouth into a line. "So your group does have interesting people in it after all."
"Y-yeah I guess so." You sighed.
"Glad we could have this chat, save me a dance, Darling." He kissed your knuckles like Matt had seconds before. "I won't take no for an answer." He grinned at Matt and Matt nodded, walking away to find his siblings.
You looked over with wide eyes. "What the hell just happened?"
"A psycho Original caught us and now he wants to dance with you." Matt narrowed his eyes in thought. "Lets just uh, go find Stefan or something." He shook his head and you locked your arm in his.
"He's only gonna ask weird questions. I think Kol is the jokester of the family." You whispered in Matt's ear, making your boyfriend smile wide.

Hope you liked it much love

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