Sex in car but your brother stefan finds out

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"Its easy, Matt. We pick Stefan up and then we leave." You explained to your boyfriend in the driver's seat. "He needs our help, these Heretics are really pissing him off."
Matt rolled his eyes and looked over at you with a smile. "I'm doing this because I love you and I consider him the only family I have left." He put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. "Because I really don't want to end up on the wrong side of their if he can jump right into the car when we get there that would be amazing."
You folded your arms and smiled back at him. "Oh? So what if Damon asked you to do it?" Matt shook his head and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.
"I don't know, your eldest brother is the biggest dick in town." He teased but he wasn't even false. You knew it was true and how everybody felt about Damon. "How long does it take to get to this place again?"
"When I checked on my phone it said an hour and a half. He had to lure the group away from Mystic Falls." You explained all over again and Matt nodded while rubbing his chin. "He wouldn't let me go to help."
Matt looked over quickly and licked his lips. "You're absolutely insane, Y/N. After you got hurt that one time I don't blame your brothers for making you stay with your boyfriend." You rolled your eyes.
"I'm fine, I heal. Why don't you just let me turn you?" You shifted and rested your elbows against the middle console between your seats. "Doesn't it get boring just being a human?"
"You ask me this all the time. I told you I would let you turn me when I've had enough of dying and being brought back by Bonnie." His eyes lit up and you laughed. "Of course it gets boring. I mean you guys can like jump over buildings and I have to take the stairs. Or like I have to have my uniform on to keep myself safe and you guys can defend yourselves naked."
"Well I know I'll get really bored on this car ride-" You sighed and let your fingers grze over his crotch. Matt looked down and you smirked up at him. "And once Stefan is in the car, we won't be able to do anything..."
Matt shook his head. "Really? In the car? You can't even wait until we get home?"
"You're telling me you don't want me to do this?" You cupped his groin and palmed him, moving your hand back and forth. "Unless you put on your chastity belt so those evil Heretics couldn't get to you." You laughed and Matt concentrated on the road instead of your wandering hands. "Aww come on, Matty blue blue."
He sucked in a huge breath and smiled at you. "I'm so glad Katherine is gone." He shook his head and quickly looked down at your hand and his rapidly hardening length. "I wish I put it on this morning. Because you're going to make me crash and we know which one will make it out alive."
You only hummed in response. "But your dick is saying something else."
"Because it feels good and I'm the one behind the wheel." He shot a death glare over at you. You bit your lip and reached over to unbutton his pants, his flashlight and handcuffs falling to the space in front of the gas pedal. "Look what you just did." He sighed but still lifted his hips up for you to pull his boxers and pants down his legs quickly and easily. "You're still insane."
"But you'll love this." You pouted and stroked the base of his cock. Matt licked his lips and hummed when you massaged the tip how he liked. "Oh I remember-" You stopped and opened the middle console, his stash of extra change and ransom files hidden inside. But a small bottle of lube was buried beneath it all. "You still have this?" You laughed.
Matt looked offended. "Hey don't laugh at me. When I have to sit on the corner and take radar for assholes who speed I get lonely. Just like you keep your vibrator in your purse at all times." You swallowed your laugh. "Yeah, I'll be sure to tell Damon to go through that purse one day."
"And I'll tell him to go through your car and find lube bottles laying around." You argued and poured some of the cold liquid onto your palm and rubbed it around, then placing your hands over Matt's cock and getting it wet and slippery for him.
"That won't bother him. He's a guy too so if you think Damon hasn't ever used lube before then you're wrong." Mat fired back and you stuck your tongue out in disgust.
"Can we not talk about my brother's sex life?" You shook your head and stroked him slowly, being sure to flick your wrist with each stroke. Matt's breathing shallowed out and his light blue eyes turned into a dark sea blue.
Matt growled almost silently and you reached between your legs, into the waistband of your pants and into your panties to rub your clit. "I'll never understand how easily vampires can seduce people." Matt shook his head and stopped the car when you came to a stop light. He looked down in concentration, licking his lips and biting his bottom lip. You placed the bottle of lube in the cup holder and bit your own lip at him.
"I want you, Matty." You cooed and he started driving again when the green light was given to you. "You know I really want you to use those handcuffs on me." You leaned over and kissed his jaw, making him hiss. "Dominate me."
"I feel like you let me dominate you because you don't want to hurt me or something." He laughed but cursed when you squeezed his length in response. You licked a stripe up and down his neck.
"Or because your vampire girlfriend is the most submissive vampire out there." You giggled. "So you should use that as a benefit." You applied slight pressure to your clit and yelped. "And I really want you to fuck me."
Matt started groaning because of how much he loved your dirty talk. "I want you." But he shook his head. "I think we're almost there." He assured you. "That has to be the place." He pointed out the window while you kept stroking him. You rolled up to a large house with multiple cars parked before it. "Well if we're gonna do this then I'm parking in the back."
Your stomach did flips in excitement and you pulled your fingers from your soaked core, licking them off and humming when Matt parked the car in the back parking lot. "Lily found a great place to stay. A huge ass house and a parking lot." Matt pushed your hands away and patted his lap.
"Come here, babygirl." He smirked and your stomach did flips once again. The way he was so dominating over a vampire was just so hot in your opinion. You pulled your pants down your legs with your panties bunched in between and kicked them off, climbing over the console with a struggle and situating yourself on Matt's lap, he reclined his chair so you had room and licked his lips. You placed your hands on his shoulders and kissed him, humming into each other's mouths.
Matt gave himself a few strokes before holding your hips in place and guiding them down on his cock. You gasped when he penetrated you and sheathed himself inside when he forced your hips down against his. "Fuck." You threw your head back and scratched at his name-tag across his chest.
He wasted no time in grinding your hips against his and looking out the window every five seconds to make sure Stefan wasn't running to the car. He moved his hands to your breasts and squeezed them under your shirt, making you lean back and placing your hands over his.
"We really have to make this fast." Matt choked on his groan and you dipped your head down to suck at his neck. Right above the collar of his unform would do, and everybody would see it. Matt let his mouth hang open and he groaned, grinding his hips up at yours. You thrusted downward onto him, burying him further inside of you each time.
You leaned back again and rubbed your clit, thrusting your hips back and forth. "I love how deep your big cock is in my pussy." You bit your lip and brushed your fingers over his parted lips. Matt pushed your hands away and used his fingers to rub your clit for you.
"I just love you in general." He pulled you down for another kiss and kept his lips against yours, whispering dirty things into your mouth. "I want you to cum around my cock." He hummed and you moaned when he gave a heavy thrust upward, sending your hips into the steering wheel and you hit the horn by accident. You cried out and dug your fingers into his arms.
"Matt-" You choked. "I want you to cum in my tight pussy." Matt kissed you again and returned to whispering dirty things in your mouth, strapping your body against his by the waist and holding you around the neck into him. You were so much stronger than him and the fact he trusted you not to rip him to shreds and fuck him how you wanted made you feel respected and loved at the same time.
"If only Stefan knew his little sister was such a dirty girl." He shook his head and groaned, tilting his head back and you kissed his throat, moaning into the sensitive skin. You gripped him with your tight walls and he rubbed your clit faster and harder, the windows were fogging up and he slapped your ass, making you jolt forward.
"I'm gonna cum." You cried and he held your face into his. His blue eyes lit up your vision that was getting blurry. "Shit, Matt." You clawed his bicep harder.
"Come on baby, let it go for me." He pressed into your clit, sending you into a mind blowing orgasm. You pulsed around him and made him groan, his upward thrusts were getting messy and sloppy so you tried your best to grind back down on him to finish the both of you off. Matt came with a loud groan and his stomach shuddered and he swore with each spurt he gave off inside of you.
"Oh." He kissed you and combed your messy hair out. Your hips rolled to a stop and you lazily smiled at Matt. Your phone rang from your purse and you quickly jumped from Matt's lap back to your passenger's side. "Stefan texted and said he's on his way out." You set the phone down on the console, pulling your pants up and buttoning them, fixing your hair and helping Matt get his pants on in time.
Stefan came around the corner and you jumped into the back seat, he was smiling and opened the door, getting in and ignoring the fact he didn't have a seat belt. He didn't need one, after all. "You'll never believe what happened inside."
"How did it go?" You tucked your hair behind your ear.
"Lily's Heretics caused this scene and it was awesome I wish Damon could have been there." Stefan rubbed his face with his hands. "How long have you guys been here? The windows are fogged up."
You shrugged and Matt looked back at you. "Not long, no worries." He assured your brother. "Anyone up for dinner? I worked out a while ago and I'm starving." He tried to subtly add in the fact that your sex was his workout.
"Yeah there was no food in there, all these innocent people compelled to be fed on and stuff." Stefan shook his head. "You fixed that old treadmill? I thought you stopped working out because of it?"
Matt's eyes widened and he coughed. "Uh yeah I finally brought it back and returned it. Its whatever." He nodded and Stefan agreed with him.
You looked down at the cup holder and your eyes widened when you saw the bottle of lube still in its place. Stefan looked down when he noticed your gazing and his brows knitted together. "Should I ask...?" He looked over at Matt and back at you. Matt shook his head and you did the same. Stefan turned around with a smile on his face, holding the bottle up. "I'm telling Damon."
"No please don't!" You begged and Stefan laughed. "Stefan please you can't!"
"I'm telling Damon, I'm telling Damon." He sang and stuck the bottle in his pocket. "Oh come on Y/N, he still thinks of you as a ten year old. It'll be hilarious."
You pouted and refused to look at Stefan so you set your eyes on Matt. "Because he'll give me the talk as if I've never had sex before. And if he knows it bothers me he'll just give me advice on positions and shit he tried with Elena."
"Well I'm not upset." Stefan shrugged and Matt laughed, putting the car in reverse and backing out of the parking space. "I mean we have a whole life hour and a half back home. I can always give my advice."
"Please don't." You groaned and sat back in the seat.
"Its what I'm here for, Y/N. You're my little sister and I'm Damon's little brother. The older sibling always has to pick on the youngest." He stated nothing but the truth. "So Matt did I tell you the story about Y/N when she tried to impress the attractive guy who worked with George Lockwood in 1864?"
You groaned again and kicked your feet. "No, I'd love to hear it. Over dinner of course, then she can't leave." Matt chuckled and you rolled your eyes, completely regretting the decision made to seduce Matt in the car.

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