1. Crossroads Get Away

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"Dean, I am not in the mood to argue with you tonight man. I mean come on we've got company!" Sam points to you.

"Well Sammy, you just might have to get over it." Dean replies stubbornly. Those boys had three settings when they're drunk at least.. Bromance, Fight Night, and Sympathy Day.
Sometimes you'd sit there and hear the two boys argue for hours but, it was when one of them were about to attack the other was when you'd separate the two boys. Tonight was the night you put your foot down. You gathered your things and drove off without making so much as a peep. You drove about two hours and parked I to your little private spot near a crossroads.
When you parked you saw a teenage boy burying a box into the ground. You jumped out of the car and pushed the boy out of the way but, it was too late. On top of the boy you pulled him up by his neck sleeve.

"Do you realize the mess you've dragged yourself into young man?" You asked through clenched teeth. He looks at you scared.

"N.no ma'am." The young boy replies.

"Get your ass out of here." You shoved him away from you.

"Yes ma'am. No need to tell me twice." He announces before getting into his car parked not so far away from yours and speeding off.

"Damn kids." You whispered and you ran your hand threw your (hair color + length) hair.

"Nice night, isn't it (your name)?" You heard a males voice behind you. You grabbed your knife and whipped around. You saw a man approaching you slowly.

"Oh come on. I'm not going to hurt you darling. You're of importance to the Winchesters." He rolled his eyes as you slowly lowered your knife.

"Why should I believe you?" You squinted suspiciously.

"If I meant to cause you of any harm, I'd have done it already." The man replies. You shrugged.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"Crowley. Former King of Hell." He answered slightly bowing.

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