2. You've Got to be Kidding

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You laughed really hard at the mention of Crowley's name. You never believed it. This was a joke. Or it'd has to be.

"Crowley?" You gasped for breath and laughed.

"Yes." He smiled at your laughing figure.

"Crowley?" You repeated again.

"Yes." He followed again this time crossing his arms. You realized he was serious.

"Your Crowley? The one who gave back the Colt to Sam and Dean to try to ice Lucifer? The same Crowley that tried to crack Purgatory? The one who resurrected Dean as a demon then sold him out because, he was no use to you?" You asked all these paining questions to him and he flinched.

"Yeah, that's me." He said impressed at your knowledge.

"When the boys go tipsy they tell me their bizarre tales. I've met Cas and came to believe most of them except yours." You admitted and Crowley's face turned sympathetic. He understood.

"Yeah. I've done some unbelievable things." He looked down. For some reason you felt a bit bad for him. He looked stressed and tired.

"You got time for a beer? I know a kickass place not far from here." You asked. He looked at you shocked.

"Why would you offer me a beer?" He asked knowing what you may say. He thinks your scared of him.

"Because, you're not looking too hot." You explained placing a hand on his shoulder. He tensed up for a moment then relaxed. He started walking towards your car.

"Yeah things have been tough (your name)." He admitted.

"Then get your ass in the car." You commanded and he laughed at you taking control of this situation.

"That's cute." He said over the top of the car.

"Shut up." You pointed back at him and he laughed again as he got into the passenger's seat.

You pulled out of the crossroads and turned left and drove for another thirty minutes. Occasionally, Crowley would change the song that would play on the track you had in there. Then he paused when, Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath started to play and he sat back. You glanced at the demon.

"You like Black Sabbath?" You asked breaking the silence.

"On occasion." He replied.

"Squirrel played them on the way to Chicago to find Death." He sighed. You knew that story. You were right next to Dean when he came knocking on your door so he could get a shower in before heading to Lisa's and Ben's to live a one-year-apple-pie-life.

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