3. A Collaborated Song

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Eventually, you two ran out of things to talk about. You guys talked about, Hunting, Cars, Songs, Movies, Scotches (his favorite), ect. He watched the scenery pass by while you drove closer to your get away. That was when Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard blasted.

"Step inside, walk this way. You and me babe. Hey! Hey!" The car boomed the beginning.

"Love is like a bomb baby c'mon get it on.
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone!" Crowley basically shouted those two verses. You shook your finger.

"Lookin' like a tramp like a video vamp.
Demolition woman, can I be your man?" You shot back in tune. He looked at you impressed as time progressed.
You sang back and forth until your favorite part came on.

"Listen-'' you interrupted Crowley.

"Red light, Yellow light, Green light, Go!
Crazy little woman in a one man show.
Mirror queen, mannequin, rhythm of love, sweet dreams, saccharine, loosen up, loosen up." You kept up to beat and he stared at you. Then you sang the rest together.
He eventually got into tune and sang well. As soon as that song ended you arrived. He got out as soon as you cut the engine's life. You showed him where you kept your cooler.
That's when he tried to grab the top of the cooler he couldn't pop it open, you forgot you had a devil's trap above the cooler. He laughed as you instantly broke it and he handed you a cool crisp beer. You sat on the hood and gazed up at the sky.

"Truly is lovely." He said. You didn't know he meant you.

"Yeah look at all of the sky's constellations." You awed. He sighed as he shook his head with a smirk that played across his lips. You looked at him confused.

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