I need to pee

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"Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."

John Green

The Fault In Our Stars


I woke up feeling two heavy weights on each of my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Jaymi asleep on one and George asleep on the other. It feels weird waking up to see Georges face again. Then I remembered last night. What George said. Was it a dream?

I need to pee. I don't want to wake the boys up though. I decided it would be funny to tweet a picture of the boys asleep on me. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened the camera app. I smiled and took the photo.

"@Lucy_Lou: Desperately need to pee but can't because I'm too polite to wake @JaymiUJWorld and @GeorgeUJWorld 🙈" I attached the photo then tweeted it.

I had a lot of replies from JCats and I followed a few of them too.

"Lucy? You awake?" I heard Josh mumble from the other side of the sofa.

"Yeah" I laughed "how did you know?"

"I saw your tweet" he held up his phone with the photo I tweeted showing.

"Josh, we need to wake these two up because I think I'm going to wet myself" I giggled even tho I was deadly serious about wetting myself. Josh let out a chuckle

"Ok wait there" he said getting up and leaving the living room. I waited about five minuets before Josh emerged from the kitchen with two glasses of water.

"Obviously you know what I'm planning but we can't do this without videoing it to share with our lovely fans" Josh smirked. He handed me the glasses of water; one in each hand and stood in front of me with his phone out ready to record it. "ok so when I start recording just chuck them in their faces" he instructed.

"Is this not a bit harsh Josh?" I thought feeling guilty for waking them up in such a horrible way.

"Do you need to pee or not?" he questioned.

"Fair point" I smiled "you ready?"

"Yep... ok I've started videoing" he said pressing the start button. I lifted my arms towards each of their faces and threw the water at them.

"AHHHHHH" George screamed; his voice breaking midway.

"OMG" Jaymi jumped up from his sleeping position minutes before.

"What are you doing?!" George said angrily but you could see he was holding back a laugh. He got off the sofa and shook all the water off his hair. Me or Josh couldn't answer either of them because we were in fits of laughter.

"I - need - to - pee" I managed to wheezed out in between my giggles and scurried off to the bathroom. When I came back from the bathroom JJ was now awake and they were all sitting talking. When I entered the room the conversation stopped which made me feel really self conscious, were they talking about me? There were a few seconds of silence.

"Who wants breakfast?" Josh said, interrupting the awkward silence.

"I'm in the pancake mood" George giggled and we all agreed that was what we were going to have.

While the boys went into the kitchen I went upstairs. I went into Josh's very lavish, modern bathroom to use the shower. In the corner of the large bathroom there were two glass doors that joined together at the corners and inside of them was a waterfall shower. I undressed and got in. When I turned it on for a brief moment the cold water splashed my body before I jumped back. It was soon replaced with piping hot liquid that flowed down my body as I washed my hair. I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the heated towel rack and wrapped it around my body. I looked into the mirror and suddenly realised that I didn't have any makeup on and didn't have any with me. oh god. I washed my face with the tap water then helped my self to one of Josh's moisturisers. It smelt all manly. I dried my hair off a little with the towel then just left it to dry naturally. I changed into my clothes from yesterday - luckily they were clean - then I went down the stairs.

"And here she is just in time for the pancakes" JJ laughed as Josh dished pancakes out on to everyone's plates.

"Yum" I smiled at Josh "thank you" I thanked him as he placed the delicious smelling pancakes in my plate.

"It's a pleasure" he cheesed.

In the middle of the table were a selection of different spreads and topping for the pancakes. Strawberries, sugar, banana, syrup and oh! NUTELLA. My hand shot forward to grab it just as another hand landed on it.

"It's mine!" George giggled childishly.

"No, I got it first!" I joined in with his child like attitude and kept my grip tight around the Nutella jar as did he.

"Nahh you didn't!" he said competitively "Jaymi sure I had it first!" he whined.

"You two are like little children" Jaymi tutted and laughed as he ignored Georges request for backup. I swiftly moved my hand up to Georges side and tickled him. He let go of the jar and let out a loud giggle. I grabbed the jar and used the remains of the Nutella to spread across my pancake.

"Nooo" George pretended to cry to which i laughed. "Josh is there any more Nutella?" He asked Josh.

"Nope sorry G, that's us out"

George made a huffy noise and crossed his arms over his chest. I rolled up my pancakes and picked it up to eat but before it even reached my mouth it was snatches out of my hand and went straight into Georges big gob. All the boys were laughing.

"George!" I whined

"Sorry" he spoke through his mouthful of my pancake.


Sorry guys

I haven't updated in ages

If I'm being honest I'm losing it with this fanfic, idk I just have so much difficulty even writing a shitty part like this.

So idk what you all think but I need to hear your opinion, please comment telling me what you think?

Sorry this part is awful and short and really late. Also if there's grammar/spelling mistakes then sorry.

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~georges girls~

{twitter - @GeorgesNoodles}

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