The Good Friend

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Everyone has that person that they are close to. You may not refer to them as your BFF but you still go to them for a smile or to make them smile because that's what good friends do. You probably have met this good friend through school or work. Everyone has that one friend they make fun of people with all for good humor. At this point you may start considering them your best friend.
What happens when that good friend turns into a sour friend? It's like all of the sudden the lights go out and your standing alone by yourself. You may ask yourself, what happen at least a thousand times. The simple answer is you were never ranked a good friend to them like you thought.
Something I always thought that was good quality in a friendship was honesty. I mean that's what we have friends for right? Wrong, it seems like today nobody knows what honesty is nor do they understand how to take it. I recently become unfriended by a long time friend. She also recently got married. At first everything was exciting and I had to be at the wedding because I was her, BFF. I offered to take pictures for them. Before I knew it everything was flipped upside down and she became a different person.
I am one of those people that will call you out for lying to me and that's what happen here, at least I believe. Before the wedding it was nothing besides, "I wish I could have this or that" but waiting and saving money was not an option for them. So now she claims her wedding was perfect but I know it was far from. She told me before it all happen. I also found out instead of me doing their pictures they already had them done way back when.
Moral here is, everyone lies to your face, behind your back, and the most worst on social media. We have been friends for 6 years and lying tore us apart. Am I hurt I lost her as a friend? No, I'm hurt because I was lied to over and over and that's not what you do to your BFF. So on that note not even the good friend is worth trusting. First signs of not trusting them if they start being really nice to people they used to talk trash about and still claim to "hate" them. The warning signs are always there just be careful and read between the lies very couscously.

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