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"Miracle you up in ten" Ted the manager says  poking his head into the dressing room.

"Got it" I give him a smile from the mirror applying my red lip stick "and didn't we agree it's little devil when we're at work"

"Yeah but we are friends so it feels werid to call you that"

"Whatever Tee just go okay" I get out of my seat and walk to my closet and drop my rob. And yes I know that a man is in the room but don't worry he's gay. Plus he's seen me naked before so it's no biggie.

I quickly slip on my tiny black one piece costume. Then put my corset on. "Could you tie this?" I turn my back to Ted and he ties the little string.

"All done" he says smacking the red tail that's attached to my one piece. "You look smexxy"

"Like always" I smirk and slip on my horns. Outfit complete.

"Cocky little sh-"

"Come on its already been ten minutes I'm up already" I push him towards the door with one hand and the other holds my heels(those are red too).

"Well I have to tell sugar she's on soon so good luck girl" Ted gives me a quick hug before walking down the hall to sugars dressing room. Turning around and walking in the opposite direction   to the stage. I'm in no rush because I know even if I'm five minutes late for my dance they won't let anyone take my spot until I get there. I kinda bring all the customers and I'm not being cocky. I just know these things. Plus when I first started working here it was almost always dead until I danced has a fill in for this one girl. And after that people came asking when I was dancing again so they could reserve a booth. The owner said that I was just a fill in but after people kept asking he decided I was going to move from waitress to dancer. So yeah I know that he won't be taking my dance off schedule no matter how late I am. Not like I'm ever late but you know just in case.

I make it to the stage just has I here Teds voice boom through the club announcing that I will be dancing. I quickly put my heels on and walk over to the middle of the dark stage. Red lights up the stage and I slowly make my way down the first three steps just as the instruments start to play from 'wicked games' by The Weeknd. Once his voice makes its way in the whole stage lights up making it easier to see me. I sway my hips a little and soon I'm in dancing my heart out on the stage.

In the middle of the song I'm laying on the edge of the stage with my head off in and up sides down manner. The man I'm in front off sticks cash I'm my corset and winks at me. Ugh men. I return it before sitting straight up and crawling on my knees. With a slay smirk I'm up on my feet and spinning over to the pole that's in the middle of the stage. I wrap my hands around it before doing a baby spin and a dip. Well I'm up side down I see a man sitting at a table just behind the front seat looking at me intensely.

And maybe it was the spinning or the three shots I took through out my dance but I could have sworn I say flames in his eyes.


Miracles costume in the pic above


Hey guys hope you like it and if not Oh well I tryed. So the next chapter should be up next time I get wifi(God knows when that will be) hopefully it will be soon.




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