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Hi! I am @/dolanxtravel on twitter!

This is a series of different smut stories of just Ethan. I advise you to be 14+ to read any, but you can do what you want:) I will be doing fluff imagines, also.
I will put warnings at the top of every page. If you are not comfortable just click out my friend.

A lot of these are from when I wrote smut as a directioner. If I forget to replace a few names or details that's why:)

I will try to post 2-3 times a week but sometimes school gets in the way. Please leave feedback I love reading people's reactions!!

I think that's it, so if you have questions or just wanna chat hit me up in the twitter dms! I'll post later!

e.g.d smutDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora