Imagine being in the same room as Zak on a lock down when he gets possessed.
"You want to hurt someone? I'm right here. Come and hurt me." Zak said. "Show me you're big and bad. Now!"
I held the Ovilus 3 in my hand. It said possess. "Zak it's just said possess."
Zak was turned away from me.
"Zak you ok?" I grabbed his arm.
Zak turned and shoved me against the wall.
"You think you know everything." Zak said.
"Oh shit.. Aaron!" I yelled. "Jay, Billy, are you getting this?"
"The X camera went out in that room like 20 seconds ago." I heard Billy on the walkie.
"Well my camera is sitting on the table, this is.."
Zak grabbed me around the throat with one hand.
"Zak let go, let go of me now. Whatever you are you need to get away from Zak right now! Zak stop letting it be in control." I shoved Zak backwards then felt burning on my back. Zak fell to the floor. "What? If you're a demon why didn't take control of Zak and kill me? Some kind of demon you are." I sat down next to Zak.
He slammed his fist into the floor.
I grabbed his hand and held it. I felt my back burning again. "I do believe I have scratches now."
Zak took a deep breath. "Are you ok?"
"Fine, would you check my back for scratches now?"
"Oh yeah." Zak pulled up the back of my shirt. "Holy shit. You've got 6 sets of 3."
"Awesome." I mumbled.