Taking over Aaron's Vlog

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Imagine taking over Aaron's Vlog.

"This is Aaron's Vlog, at Aaron's house. I bet you're wondering, "Where the hell is Aaron?" Well he is over here with Zak, playing a video games. I'm taking over his vlog for the time being." I pointed the camera at Zak and Aaron, they were sitting on the floor.

"What up?" Zak waved.

"Don't break my camera." Aaron said.

"I won't, just chill." I pointed the camera back at myself. "Well I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing. Aaron! What am I supposed to do during an Aaron's Vlog?"

"First, not break the camera, be sexy, and have fabulous hair, just like me." Aaron slid his hand over his bald head.

"Well thanks for that helpful input Aaron." I plopped down in Aaron's couch and shut off the camera.

"This is why I do the Vlogs." Aaron said.

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