"How was your weekend?"
"Do you expect me to say it was good?" the girl was not unkind.
"I expect you to say how it was."
"You're one of the few people that do."
"How was your weekend?"
"Do you believe that having friends is a selfish act?"
"I don't see how it would be?"
"You have friends that are there for you, they help you, they have your back. And you do the same in return. You feel lonely when you don't have friends, real friends. Having friends is purely for oneself, and therefore it is selfish."
"Do you have real friends?"
"Do you have fake friends?"
"Why are you still with them, if they don't make you feel good about yourself?"
"I never said they don't make me feel good about myself."
"Then why do you consider them to be fake friends?"
"Because I have yet to see there true faces."
"Why would you say that?"
"Do you act differently with your significant other?"
The girl glanced to the ring around Anne-Marie's finger.
"I'm straightforward and truthful with my husband. Loving as well of course."
"How about your friends?"
"Less blunt and truthful I'd say, I'm not especially close with all my friends."
"What about your closest friends? How honest are you with them?"
"More so than I am with my friends, less than I am with my husband. But I wouldn't consider myself having a facade with my friends just because I hold back my opinions at times. They still know the true me, and I'm still true friends with them."
Anne-Marie was hoping that the girl would understand that having friends was healthy.
"I think you believe that I should get real friends," the girl's melodious voice rung out.
"Do you act differently around your friends compared to who you truly are?"
"I don't know who I truly am."
"Why not?"
"I read somewhere that it is your choices that define you. But if someone makes bad choices, and they are deemed as a bad person, do they deserve another chance to make good choices in life?"
"I believe that everyone deserves a second chance."
"I've heard that many times. Do you truly believe that or do you use it as an excuse when giving someone who has wronged you, a second chance?"