The Big decision

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Olivia is sitting in her room chatting to her best friend Lia about the latest school gossip such as who's dating who, "Apparently Sarah is Dating Alex" Lia says "says who?" Liv replies, "Just a rumour I heard" Lia answers. Suddenly there's a knock at the door, Liv's mother Michelle walks in, "can you come through and talk to me and your father the please Liv?, it's pretty important."

Five minutes later the 3 are sitting in the living room, her parents on one sofa and her on one opposite from them, that's when she gets nervous, "what do they want now, it's always something bad when they have to sit me down and talk" she thinks to herself,

That's when her father says "Liv I've been offered a promotion, the company have just recently lost they're supervisor, however if I was to take it we'd have to move.", starting to get worried she replies "where to?, how far away is it?, will I still get to go to school here?, do I have to leave all my friends?

Her father interrupts "we'd have to move to a complete new country, the promotions in Edinburgh however it is a lot more money, we'd have to leave Barcelona and move to Scotland which would mean a whole new school, new friends, new accent and a different currency but there's better opportunities over there and it has a better education system there too, I know it would mean leaving all your friends and starting a new school and moving away from your family but honestly I think it's the better option, what do you think?."

She can barely speak " is this what you really want?" She replies whilst shaking, "personally I think it's a better thing for us to do, now i know your still sitting exams but we wouldn't be moving till after they are finished"

"personally dad I think it's a great idea, I've always wanted to visit Scotland and now I have the opportunity to live there, I know I have to leave my friends and everyone I know here but it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to move there and who knows I might like it there."

They sit and talk about it over dinner. liv is asking lots of questions about the move, "what is the currency?, what is there to do?, what school will I be going to?, when will be moving?, her parents are happy that she is excited about moving, Olivia goes off to FaceTime Lia and tell her all about the move, however Lia isn't as excited as Liv is, to be truthful she's the opposite, she doesn't want her to move, "why aren't you happy Lia?" Liv asks, "your moving over 1300 miles away, there's a chance I may never see you again"

She reassures her that she will be back to visit and that she can also come over and see Scotland and that they can go to winter wonderland at Christmas, they can also visit Edinburgh castle and that there is a lot of shops in Edinburgh. "I suppose that's good, I'll really miss you O, what will I do without you?, however I will keep you up to date on all the gossip, when are you moving? Lia asks "in about a month, once exams are over I suppose, dad didn't want to move until I had sat all my exams as it would've been a wasted year otherwise, I'll really miss you too L".

Later on Olivia is searching all about Edinburgh and what there is to do, researching all of the schools, she's starting to get even more excited!, That's when her Father shouts her downstairs to show her a house that they were thinking about buying once they've sold the one they currently live in,

It's a large old fashioned house with a few stained glass windows, with both a huge garden and conservatory,also based just outside of the city centre so there wasn't too much traffic and it was also in there price range, as soon as she saw it, she instantly fell in love. "I love it, I love it, I love it, I think it's beautiful and so old fashioned, I really do love it" she said.

The next day at school she tells the rest of her friends, " I'm moving to Scotland, my dads got a promotion and it's based in Scotland so we're moving.", a couple of her friends weren't very sure why they were moving to Scotland as it isn't a very nice place but she told them that she loves it and has always wanted to visit Scotland and now she has the opportunity to live there now so she took it.

A few days later Olivia and her parents take a little trip to Scotland to go and view the house that they saw, She was so shocked when she walked in and saw how big the house was, she loved it because it echoed due to there being now furniture. they all had a Look around, She loved her new bedroom, really large with a big window ledge that she could make into a little bed or book area. Very spacious. "Mum,dad I love it I want this to be our house, It's so beautiful and unique.

Her parents say to the Seller that they would like to buy the house,they hand him the deposit, and now the house is officially there's.Liv couldn't be happier to be moving to Scotland especially when her new house is so beautiful, "I'm so gutted to be leaving Barcelona, leaving my friends and family but I can't wait to start my new adventure in the capital of Scotland.

This chapter is sort of an introduction, thank you so much for reading, please like and comment and let me know if you liked it, please be honest and I will take all opinions into considerations, thank you so much!, many thanks Skye.x

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