The worst day ever! So far...

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***8 Months Later***

The dreaded day has come, it's the day of everyone has been dreading for months... The first day of prelims. Liv's being studying so hard over the past 8 months, determined to pass her prelims. Aria one of the friends she has made walks up to her "nervous?" She asks, "nope, not really I've been preparing for this for months" first prelim up is Biology.. Her strong point. 2 hours later she walks out the assembly hall feeling very confident about how it went.

Today Olivia has decided to get the bus home from school for the first time since she moved to Edinburgh. She walks on the bus and there she is.... Amber, the one girl she didn't want to see, she hears her shouting from the back of the bus "Eww why is that Spanish freak on this bus", it doesn't take Liv long to retaliate, "Sorry but this isn't just your bus, you don't own it, it's not up to you who comes on this bus, just because I'm Spanish doesn't make me different from anyone else, you may think your popular because of who your boyfriend is but to be honest, your no better than anyone else on this bus!" She shouts.
Amber just sits and stares at Liv straight in the eyes and doesn't say a word, Liv speaks again "Cat got your tongue?" She turns round nods her head and sits down on her seat feeling pretty proud of herself, "I've never stood up to anyone like that before" she thinks to herself.

Finally the bus gets to her stop, unfortunately it's also Ambers stop... And she's walking the same way!, "is she following me or does she actually live this way" she says to herself.

Olivia decides she'll walk the opposite way to her house to see if Amber is really following her, she changes direction and so does she. Liv decides to walk a little faster but she speeds up, Liv then makes the worst decision she's ever made and decides to walk to an alleyway, that when Amber speeds up, grabs Liv's long blonde hair and pulls her to the ground out of the public eye. She kicks and punches so much that Liv goes unconscious

When she finally becomes conscious she looks up for her phone, turns out Amber stood on it whilst she was running away, still works though, even though she only lives round the corner Olivia phones her mum to come and pick her up as she's pretty sure she's broke a leg, along with lots of bruises and probably a black eye to match, Luckily it's easy enough to cover with makeup.

They finally arrive at the hospital, 2 hours later she is finally seen by the doctor, she is wheeled down to X-ray in a wheelchair, turns out she's broke her leg in 3 different places and it's all because of Amber, the queen bee Amber.

By the time they get home it's far to late to cook dinner so they get a takeaway, sitting at the dinner table is always a rule in the Stevens household, that's when Liv's dad says "how did you manage to break your leg" Liv replies "Oh I just tripped over a crack in the pavement and went flying, that's also how I managed to get all the bruises" both of her parents look very concerned "well if that's really what happened then okay" her mum says, "now up to bed, it's late"

The following day comes, half the school must have heard about what happened as Liv's getting looked at by everyone as she walks into the courtyard, that's when she bumps into Aria who says "hey are you okay what happened?" Liv replies "just fell over a crack in the pavement, broke my leg in 3 places", she replies "are you sure?, that's not what I heard, I've heard a few people say that Amber followed you into an alleyway and tacked you to the ground and beat the crap out of you?" Liv nods, "yeah that's what happened, she knocked me unconscious, ended up in hospital, does Lucas know what she done?" "Probably not, in his eyes she never does anything wrong" Aria replies "yeah I suppose I better head off, it's gonna take me about 20 minutes to tackle the stairs before class" they both laugh, that's when aria offers to help her.

Scared that the same thing will happen as yesterday, Liv decides to get her dad to pick her up from school since it's his day off, she makes it home safely. Dinner is ready by the time they get home, they all sit down and talk about their days, sit on the sofa and watch their favourite soaps before Liv heads upstairs for a shower before filming her YouTube video due up the following day. Once that has been recorded and edited she heads to bed looking forward to the weekend ahead!

Woo Chapter 3 has been published, I had such fun writing this chapter, I forgot to mention that Liv was a Youtuber, whoops haha, anyway I hope you liked this chapter as much as I did, please like and comment and let me know your opinions... Many thanks Skye.x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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