The Arrival

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The day comes... June 29th, the day of the move, everyone is excited!. The packing has taken ages though... Approximately 3 days to be precise... 3 days!!
After all the stress of packing it was finally time to head off on our new life in Scotland. 2 and a half hours later they finally arrive at Edinburgh airport then it's only a 20 minute drive to the house. Once they get to the house it only takes about 6 hours to unpack which is a good amount of time, they all finally finish at 10pm them it's time for bed which at the moment is just a mattress on the floor until the new beds have been delivered.

***A couple of months later***

Its been nearly 2 months since Olivia and her parents moved to Edinburgh but school has yet to start and to be honest Liv is really nervous to start but also cannot wait to meet new people but is dreading the bullying because as everyone knows there is bullying at every school no matter where it is.

**First day of school**
It's 6:30am when Liv's alarm clock goes off.. "School in Barcelona never started at 9am" she thought when she first found out about her new school, "Well I suppose I better get up" she says to herself as she drags herself out of bed and towards the bathroom. Then it's downstairs for breakfast before heading off, she meets her parents at the breakfast table. "All ready for your first day at your new school?" Her mum asks, "ready as I'll ever be I suppose" Liv replies.

It gets to the awkward car journey in the morning, where she gets the questions and advice such as 'who are you crushing on?, ooh up who's dating who' etc, that is always the most awkward part of the car journey with your mum. Then you become so relieved when you arrive at the school and can finally escape, however this is the morning that Olivia has been dreading for the past 3 months! The first day back at school, especially since she's starting a new school.

Well now that she has finally escaped the car ride from hell, it's time to go to school which has to be done at some point. Just as Liv is entering the school she trips over her shoe lace and flys right into the bikes outside of the school, her folders and sheets of paper fly everywhere, just as she's getting up this tall blonde tanned boy helps her pick up her folders and says "are you alright?, are you hurt?" She rises to her feet but can't help staring at him, "yeah I'm alright just very clumsy" she replies taking her folders from him and running into the school, this has made her really late for class.

Just as she enters the biology lab Mr Collins says "and you must be Olivia Stevens?" Nervously she replies "yeah I am, sorry I'm late". She hears someone at the back of the class saying "Spanish freak" this makes her pretty angry but she just takes her seat instead of retaliating.

"Today could've went a lot better, first I embarrass myself in front of a really good looking guy and then I'm late for my first class, great!" She says to herself, she turns round and there he is, Lucas Johnstone, looking right at her and to make the situation worse here comes the girl that called her a Spanish freak this morning in biology, she walks right past her and heads towards Lucas and gives him a kiss, then giggles, Liv's seen enough, she runs towards the bathroom and locks herself in the stall and phones Lia, "She's the only person I want to talk to right now" she thinks to herself, the call goes straight to voicemail.

Finally it's time to go home, today has to be the worst first day of school in the history of first days!. Usually Olivia would hate car journeys with her mum but she's just so glad to be going home that she doesn't care.

As soon as she gets home, she runs straight upstairs and tries to FaceTime Lia but it just keeps saying unavailable... "What is wrong, where is she?" She says to herself...

She eventually gives up and sits on her bed doing homework, "suppose I have nothing else to do" she thinks to herself

She heads towards the bathroom to have a shower before heading to bed before another long day of embarrassment at school tomorrow.

I had an absolute ball writing this chapter it was so fun to write. Thank you so much for reading, if you enjoyed please give it a little like and maybe even a comment to let me know your opinions, many thanks Skye.x

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