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- A carbonara pizza to table four! Quickly!

- Would you enjoy more garlic bread for only 3 dollars?

- Excuse me, I'm waiting for half an hour. Where is my order?

The restaurant is a caos. My head kept on mixing every sound I hear with all that just happen. I start searching for my friends, and .. They are running to me?... 

Then, I faint. 


Slowly, I open my eyes. 

I look around and I get confuse. Where am I? What happen to me? 

-Hello..? - I whisper.

Suddenly, I see 3 pair of eyes appearing. 

- TIF! OMG, ARE YOU OKAY? I WAS SO WORRIED! - Patricia sobs and hugs me.

- What happen, Tofu? Don't ever do that to us again please! - Richard kisses me in the forehead.

-Hello Tiffani. I didn't mean to scare you, I apologize.

And there she is. Lydia. It seems like time didn't pass by her. Despite being almost 50, she still looks like the first time I saw her on Zack's house, preparing his 6th birthday party. I still can't believe she was the person behind the mysterious text.

Now that I'm more aware, I sit down. I notice I'm at my bedroom. How?

-How did we get in here? - I ask, suspicious.

-We.. No, Ricky, called Catherine and she opened the door. - Patricia says, with disgust on her voice tone. 

Yes, she also hates my sister. It's a common thing.

- Don't worry, we also warned school you are sick and that you aren't going to school today. - Richard tells me.

- Hm.. children? Can you give me some privacy with Tiffani, please? - Lydia asks.

- Oh, sure. We are going to buy some vegan meal for Tif at the mall and we will be right back. - Richard smiles.

I try to make eye contact with them saying " Guys do not leave me here with her please". But they just leave.

- Are you feeling better? - she asks while sitting next to my bed.

-Yes. - I quickly answer.

- Look.. Sorry if I sent that weird text and scared you. But you didn't even gave me a chance to explain myself. You just left.

- I think seeing my dead boyfriend's housekeeper causes me pain, don't you think? 

- But.. I know you since you were a little happy girl and..

- Exactly. WERE. 

- I miss those times too, okay? I lived in that house, so happy and then... my services were no longer needed. 

-Wait, you were fired? What about Ted? And Paul? And Kim? And Leonard? You were in that house for 10 years. How could they.. 

- Ted is 12 now and he doesn't need a babysitter anymore, I guess. Paul and Kim just.. stopped needing me and Leonard.

I am shocked. I stopped talking or visiting Zack's family since that day, just like he asked. But I never thought everything would change. I was so selfish, I must visit them. 

I also remember Leonard. He was their private chauffeur and body guard (rich people do not have limits, I must say) and he was always gave us rides to school, the park where me and Zachary gave our first kiss and even their beach house, where...

Lydia interrupts my thoughts.

- Are you listening? That is not why I am here. 

-Then, what is? 

- I.. Well, everything got strange since that day. I arrived home for the market and everything was a rush. Then, the postman appeared and said to me what happen. My heart stopped in that moment, I couldn't believe. Zachary was such a good boy and...

- Can you skip that part please? - I asked, with tears almost leaving my eyes.

-Yes, sorry. Then, the next day, me and Leonard were called to Paul's office. Did you know I never entered it before, I was forbidden to clean that room. And... Paul just fired us, with such contempt and indifference. I was so sad and frustrated. I'm unemployed since them. I don't have anything or anybody left, you know? - Lydia says, almost crying.

Paul was so nice and funny, I don't even recognize that attitude. But the death of the ones we love the most destroys you and brings above our worst characteristics. 

And Lydia... She was such a joy to that house and I never thought that they were her only family... God, I don't want to think about those years again. 

Lydia calms down and tells me, with a straight face:

- I need your help. 

Great. I can't even help myself, how can I help her? But I still can't sound just like Paul. I mean, I might be the only person left to listen to her, not including a psychologist.

- With what? 

- So, since then, I feel guilty and regretted for not going to his funeral. I was so mad at that time for the way that treated me that... I don't know, I couldn't see their face anymore. But, a week ago, I tried to contact them. To see Teddy and get my "family" back. Here's when it gets strange. 

-What is strange? 

I sounded like a little child hearing a story at bed time and being super concentrated.

- Well, when I got there the house was.. How do I say? Hm.. careless. The trees were huge and dry, the mail box full of letters and newspapers. And oh, Max... He was still in the kannel, not breathing...


- I got worried and rang the doorbell. No response. After ringing and knocking for 20 minutes, I decided to enter from the back door. Don't judge me, but since it was 9 am and that's breakfast time, they should be at home.

I almost forgot how the Pittsburg family were so obsessed about schedules and it's surprising how Lydia still remember all of them. 

- When I came in, everything was the same. Exactly the same. The breakfast I prepare still on the plates, Ted's white t-shirt on the couch, where I left it. Even the newspaper of that exact day on the kitchen's table.

I'm impressed with the memory skills I didn't know Lydia had.

- But, even with that, I thought I was being paranoid. That's when I notice the house was full of dust and spider webs. It was so strange, can you see what I am trying to say? It's just like...

- Just like they were kidnapped. 

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