February 19th

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February 19th, 2014

Forgot to type last night and now I regret it. I'm in health right now and the class is writing some things down from some slides. We're learning about the effects alcohol has on the body. As soon as the teacher turned out the lights I panicked.

I'll try to describe the feeling if anyone tries to read my journals. It's my heart. It has this weird feeling like it's tight and I feel energetic but, it's only affecting my heart. What's weird is my head doesn't have that fuzzy feeling or a pain. It's probably paranoia.

At least I hope it is. I'm already cursed with "sights". I don't need another...not ability but, a problem. Yep, don't need another problem. The slide was short, the lights were turned back on, and the fear is gone. My friend Jenna turned around and we started talking.

I told her about how there was something that made me feel scared about the dark. I didn't tell her about the "sights" though. I feel like I shouldn't. It's not that I don't trust her but it's like if I don't tell her, she'll be safe. Not to mention the fact that she also won't think I have a screw loose. So I've decided the less people know,the better. Gotta go. The bell rang.

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