This Is The Hardest Part

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Brandon POV

Callie had been gone almost a week this was killing me, I had discovered where she was, a group home about an hour away. It didn't help knowing where she was though, I didn't know a number to call, its unlikely she would even pick up. I wanted so bad to drop everything and just drive there to see her, but I knew I couldn't. It was in the morning, I was in my room getting ready for school everyone else was getting ready as well and heading downstairs.

My phone beeped, I went to look at it. It was an unknown number, I picked it up.

On the phone

Brandon- Hello?

Callie- Hey

Brandon- Callie?

Callie- yeah its me

Brandon- I'm glad you called me, I wanted to talk to you

Callie- I wanted to talk to you too, look I can't talk long

Brandon- are you okay? I mean how are things there?

Callie- okay for now, I'm fine okay so don't worry

Brandon- I can't help but worry

Callie- I don't know when I will be able to talk to you again, I'm not even supposed to using the phone right now

Brandon- sounds like a strict place

Callie- It's not that bad really

Brandon- well if you need me you know  just call and I will be there before you even hang up the phone

Callie- I know, I miss you

Brandon- I miss you too

Callie- well I .....

the phone call ends

Brandon- Callie? Callie are you still there?

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