Finding Home

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Callie POV

after traveling for days, Brandon thought it would be safe for us to stay in the town we arrived in for awhile. but if there was any sign of danger we would have to leave immediately. we had to find a place to live. we walked the streets for quite awhile trying to find  a place that wasn't to expensive. finally we found a place that was decent. It was small and dirty. there was a kitchen and living room combined area, a small bathroom, and a bedroom that barely fit the full-size bed in it. It was furnished but only partially and most of the furniture was used harshly. 

I watched as Brandon paid out  the money for the first three months rent, he did it reluctantly, I knew it was probably tapped out the rest of the money.

Jude- this place is dirty

Callie- we'll clean it up

Brandon- don't worry, once I get a job we'll find something better

Jude- where do we sleep, there's only one bedroom

Brandon- the couch pulls out into a bed

Brandon POV

we had cleaned up the apartment as best we could, it still looked like a dump though. I was in the bedroom flipping through the newspaper trying to find some job openings. me and Callie had talked about sleeping arrangements and decided to let Jude have the bedroom so he could have some privacy. but when we told him he said he would rather sleep on the pullout couch, he said he didn't like the bedroom it felt to closed in, like sleeping in a closet. Callie came in, sat behind me and rubbed my shoulders.

Brandon- is Jude asleep?

Callie- yeah, finally!

Brandon- I found some jobs to check out tomorrow

Callie- I'm goanna get a job too

Brandon- no! you need to be with Jude right now to help him adjust

Callie- okay fine, but when Jude starts school I'm getting a job

Brandon- okay

I kissed her softly on the lips.

Callie- come on lets go to sleep

Brandon- yeah

we laid down next to each other and turned out the lights. after a few minutes we heard footsteps in the room.

Jude- (whispers) Callie

I turned on the light

Callie- Jude.. what's wrong?

Brandon- you okay?

Jude- yeah I.. I just..

Callie- what?

Jude- can I sleep here? I don't like being out there by myself

Callie looked at me as if asking for approval, I nodded

Callie- come on

Callie moved to the center of the bed and let Jude squeeze in. we all fell asleep me and Jude on either side and Callie squeezed in the middle holding on to both of our hands.

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