Chapter 13- 9.25.15

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"Alright class, please turn to page 46."

Page 46... Haru thought to himself, flipping his book to page 46.

Even though it was perfectly clear that the teacher meant the textbook and not Haru's own book, Haru still ignored that days lesson.

He had been ignoring every single lesson ever since he transferred to Iwatobi High. He had a hard time concentrating, since he would always flirt with Makoto.

Although this week, he was concentrating on reading his book. Matter of factly, it was a geometry book, so Haru could better prepare himself for the math test later that day. For some reason, Haru found it better if he taught himself instead of the teacher teaching him.

Haru took a quick look at Makoto who looked a bit redder than usual. The brunette would constantly shift his position, as if something was making him uncomfortable. 

Haru wanted to ask him if he was alright, but he remembered that Makoto didn't like him. The dark-haired boy looked back at his book and continued reading, but still watched Makoto from the corner of his eyes.

He's been acting strangely ever since that party... Haru thought to himself. But now that I've mentioned it, so have I. Did I go too overboard? Is the reason why Makoto is so uncomfortable because of me? Did I do something wrong? Well obviously,  I did something wrong but...

"Haruka." The teacher called.

Haru lifted his head.

"Are you paying attention?"


"Can you recite what I've taught you so far today?"

Ms. Amakata teaches English and Writing right? Haru thought, looking up at the board while ignoring Makoto's quiet snicker. And we're learning about active and passive voices...

"Active and Passive voices." Haru mumbled, quickly glancing at Makoto, who was looking back at him.

"What about them?"

"If a sentence is in active voice, the subject would perform the action. If it was in passive voice, the verb phrase would include a form of 'to be' plus a past participle."

"Very good Haruka!"

Haru nodded, sitting himself down. He breathed a sigh of relief- he had read a book about 10th grade English a few weeks ago.

Haru looked at Makoto, who was coincidentally looking at him. The two locked eyes for a few seconds before Makoto broke it off, slightly flinching as if something had just bit him.

I wonder if Makoto's okay...


"Dang that math test was hard!" A girl complained.

"Tell me about it," Another one sighed.

"Hey Haruka!" A boy exclaimed, running up to Haru. "How did you think the test was?"

"It was okay." Haru responded.

"I kinda thought it was really hard!"


"Why are you always so quiet?" the boy asked, shocking Haru a bit. "All you do is stare out at the window."

"I'm just never in the mood to talk."

The boy laughed. "You remind me of a friend of mine..."


"Sorry, nevermind," The boy laughed, scratching his neck. "It's just, my friend has gotten quieter and more serious in the past few weeks and he keeps skipping school..."

Haru nodded. Half of him was concerned for the boy's friend, the other half really couldn't care less. The dark-haired boy only had two things in mind- water and Makoto.

"You should talk to him, then." Haru suggested.

"He's never home though," The boy complained. "He works at the local cafe, but I can't talk to him cause he's always busy."

Haru nodded, again. He was slightly getting a bit irritated. He didn't like it when he had to interact with strangers. Especially with strangers with too many problems on their plate. 

"I think it's because he got into an accident," The boy continued. "I guess something happened to his eye cause he's always wearing an eyepatch."

How do I get him to stop talking to me... Haru thought.

"I have to meet up with my friends at lunch," Haru interrupted. "I hope you friend gets better."

"Thanks!" The boy exclaimed. "Oh, thanks for letting me get that off my chest!"

I never got to know his name... Haru recalled. Ah what does it matter. I don't really want to talk to him again anyways.

"Haru~chan!" Nagisa squealed, waving at Haru.

"It's Haruka," Rei mumbled, hitting Nagisa.

"Haru-chan is fine," Haru chuckled.

"Haru is always so cheerful," Nagisa pointed out, smiling. 

"Y-Yea," Haru agreed, remembering what the boy said to him only minutes before.

Nagisa and Rei eyed each other, before laughing again. They left Haru alone for the lunch period, since it felt as if Haru didn't want to talk to anyone.

I wonder if Makoto's okay... Haru thought, again, as he looked over at Makoto's table. Maybe I should confront him about this? I really worry about him a lot. Oh right, Makoto has football practice today right? I'll talk to him then.

Haru's thoughts were interrupted by a guy, who accidentally brushed his jacket on Haru's back. Haru watched him walk over to Makoto's table to say something. He saw Makoto's friends retort to what he had to say, although it was too quiet for Haru to hear.

"Because no one likes you," Makoto shouted, rather loudly.

His voice is a bit off, Haru noticed. He's not as scary as he used to be.

Wait for me, Makoto. I'll help you somehow.


...Hii it's Saki ;P This was just a filler chapter cause I wanted to show you guys Haru's insecure side since it doesn't appear much.

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