Chapter 11: Isabel Lucinda Hawkins

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    Isabel Lucinda Hawkins was born April 13, 1990, in Georgetown, DC, while her parents were on a business trip.  Jonathan and Chantal Hawkins worked and lived together in Toronto, where Jonathan was a renowned heart surgeon and Chantal was his personal assistant.  When Chantal was 8 months pregnant they attended a lecture that Jonathan was giving at Georgetown University in DC.  They figured they had plenty of time to get the lecture in and get home for the weeks leading up to their daughter's birth.  It seemed Isabel had decided she liked Georgetown, and that night in their hotel after the lecture, Chantal started having contractions.  2 hours later in Georgetown University Hospital, Isabel Lucinda Hawkins was born.

    After returning home to Kingston, Chantal and Jonathan lived a blissful life with their new daughter.  As the years went by, Isabel grew, and she was a good child.  She was well-mannered, well-behaved, and a beauty to behold.  When Isabel was 12, her father was diagnosed with lung cancer even though he had never smoked a day in his life.  This came as a huge shock to everyone, but especially to Jonathan himself.  It turned out that even though he lived a very healthy lifestyle, he had gotten lung cancer from Radon exposure, a gas that can seep in through the foundation of your house.  He went through the usual treatments, and after a year or so, his condition seemed to be improving.  Even so, he didn't go back to performing surgeries right away.  His recovery was slow, hampered by a string of viruses that he caught while his immune system was in repair.  Over the course of the next 2 years, Jonathan suffered many relapses, each one seeming to break him down a little more.  Early in 2004, Jonathan started showing more signs of improvement, he was eating better, looking healthier, and his attitude had improved.  Best of all, the cancer seemed to have gone into remission.  But a few months later, after consulting with his own doctor, it was discovered that the cancer was now manifesting as fluid build-up in his lungs and around his heart.  Even though he wasn't in any pain, they kept him in the hospital for observation.  On April 10, 2004, Jonathan's blood pressure began to drop and just kept dropping.  Chantal was at his side as he quietly passed away in the hospital bed, telling Chantal how much he loved her before drifting off into an eternal sleep.  Isabel was at home with a sitter, still asleep, and the next time Isabel saw her father was at the viewing 3 days later.  She was very composed for a girl who had to mourn her father on her 14th birthday.  She kissed him gently on the cheek and barely left her mother's arms for the next week.

    After graduating high school, Isabel told her mother she wanted to find her own way and make it on her own.  With her mother's blessing, she moved to Scarborough and started a course in Police Sciences.  She lived in a small apartment with her cat, Rizzo, who was named after the rat from the Muppets.  She got a job at a pub waitressing through a friend of hers, Meagan, who was also a server there.  Her mother was helping her with tuition so Isabel took the pub job more as a means to keep her mind busy than to pay bills.  She liked it very much though; she liked the interactions with people, the business of it.  She did well in Police Sciences; she had always had a passion for science in general, and always knew she wanted to do something that helped people.  She visited her mother in kingston every chance she had, and they would just sit over coffee, laugh, and reminisce about Isabel's father.  They both missed him so much, but Isabel had reached a place in her life where she was happy and she knew her father would be proud of her.

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