You can get through this...

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Another one focusing on Phis, this needs to happen before we get back to yo ass and Dan's k. Also Dan's tweet exposing Phil, fucking everything. He captured the cutest Phil moment in history.

(April 4th.)

*Phil's POV*

-News report-

"Blogger turned jealous girlfriend, Catherine Valdes has been found dead in Trafalgar square last night." The reporter began. "Witnesses claimed that 'she had a knife, a bottle of vodka and a box of cigarettes' it was unclear until this morning that she had in fact taken her own life. Last month it was brought to the publics attention that Catherine had been in a dysfunctional relation ship with British blogger Phil Lester. She assaulted his romantic interest, Chris Kendall, in a fit of jealousy and rage. During the attack she injured Y/F/N, Dan Howells wife, who was treated in hospital for mild head trauma. Police identified her body early this morning. We reached out to Phil Lester, Dan Howell, Y/F/N and Chris Kendall all of which sadly refused to comment..." She twiddled her pen in her hands impatiently, clearly she had better things to do than update the world on YouTube drama.

Just like that, Cat was gone. It felt wrong to cry, the problem is that's all I've done. For hours all we've done is cry.

Dan stood in the door way shaking, he dropped a glass. Blood stained his jeans. In a panic he cleared the glass and wiped his leg before slumping down onto his bed in tears.

Y/N's wails drowned out over time, though every so often she'd cry out in despair.

Chris was numb, he felt responsible as did I. We stared at each other, just stared.

*Your POV* Finally bitch get on it!

Climbing the stairs slowly you searched for Dan. His sobs were muffled by his pillow.

"Dan" you soothed as you opened the door.

He looked up from his duvet and placed his hand over his forehead.

"She's gone. I hated her but I didn't think..." He held back tears.

You wiped your eyes and sat beside him, leaning your head on his shoulders.

"You want to know something?" You asked, trying to cheer him up.

He nodded, smiling weakly.

"Yesterday was peanuts 8 week birthday." You whispered.

He placed a hand on your stomach, his warmth bringing a blush to your cheeks. He rubbed your tiny bump gently. Placing your hand over his, he looked up suddenly and kissed you passionately.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." You blushed.

"You can add having Dan Howell's baby to that list of things to do in London!" He laughed blushing even harder.

"I can't imagine having a baby with anyone else." You smiled with a wink. Let's get mildly suggestive... Too old, k soz.

He wraps you up in his arms and holds you close, it's safe and warm. Just your little family, even Timmy got in on the hugging action hug slut.

When Dan finally released you Phil and Chris were stood in the doorway smiling like idiots.

"Sorry guys. You're just so cute!" Phil shrugged.

Chris nodded and kisses Phil's cheek. Phil stiffened up in more than one place AYYYYYY.. Sorry... Heh. And blushed furiously. His eyes widened and he spun around to face Chris.

Chris laughed and pressed his lips against Phil's.

Dan shared a proud look with you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

You can all get through this, you know you can...

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