Level Six - Snake Bite

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Mira rubbed her thumb along a coffee mug that held her caffeinated tea. Her skin warmed as it ran across the smooth surface. She usually had jasmine tea in her cup, but this morning was an exception.

She sat in the house that she shared with her friends, all of them having moved from their parents' homes and taken a big step into adulting life by deciding to share the cost of a living space together. As well as a car. The single-story white house sat in a moderately quiet neighborhood, with a small fenced-in backyard, accessed by a side door and a front door that was painted red. They were proud of finding such a nice place to fit all of them at the price that they did—it was nearly paid off too. The place had a basement, a bathroom for upstairs and downstairs, and a long room that was their living and dining room, a couch facing a tv, the front door on the far side, and a table in the opposite corner near the entrance to the kitchen. Two of three of the bedrooms were accessed from the living room, a doorway the third in the hallway section between the dining room and the kitchen. The two bedrooms connected to the living room were owned separately by Moe and herself, the other one shared between Andrew and Karan; rather than Andrew sharing with Moe, which they'd all agreed that the two friends would keep each up through the night talking and laughing. She allowed a smile to form; that was a funny memory. When the point was brought up while deciding who gets what room, she'd said that their late night conversation would fade like a phase as they got adjusted to the new house. She was given a couple of hesitant looks from Moe and Andrew, who both then exchanged a knowing look with each other, and was told by Andrew to not count on it as Moe laughed and shook his head. Moe next, surprisingly, added that he supposed that it would be the "adult decision" to make to separate them. So, that's what they did, and that's the way that they have been living ever since.

Mira was fine living in a house with just boys. It helped that one of them, Karan, was her brother. Albeit adopted, but still. She also felt safe around Andrew and Moe. Their relationship as friends was mutually understood. She was glad to know such great guys. They were comedic in nature, and tended to not pull punches, but they were respectful of her, so it was all good. Besides, she didn't know what they'd do without her. Or rather, she did; Karan was pretty good serving as the voice of reason, but to tell the truth, the place would be a pigsty without her "woman's touch," she'd bet money on it.

She heard footsteps enter the room. Andrew walked in and sat down at the other side of the table, and as he did, her smile left and more recent memories arose, the night before coming back to her, along with the emotions that came with it. She noticed that he hadn't bothered to change out of his pajamas, his hair looking like he'd just woken up. When he dipped his head to massage his neck, his round lensed glasses caught the reflection of a nearby window and flashed. Hesitantly, lifting his concerned gaze to meet hers, he asked in a low voice, "You okay?"

She paused, thumb still rubbing her mug; it was hardly touched. She'd been lost in her thoughts all morning. "No," she answered honestly.

A door opened near them, and someone stepped through, closing it behind himself. Karan leaned up against the door with a sigh.

"Is he awake yet?" Andrew asked him, hopeful.

They looked at him expectantly. Karan shook his head gravely. They all got quiet.

"How is he? Does he look any better?" Mira asked, trying to be optimistic.

"Not really," her brother replied grimly. "He's still murmuring nonsense, and he's sweaty again."

Mira sighed, and rubbed her face in her hands. "We need to get Moe some help," she said, speaking into her palms.

"Like I said, we just don't have that kind of financial insurance," he told her.

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