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Keanna's POV

Jasper said, "so that's your family?" I laughed and said "ya I guess... I mean they have been in my life since I was little. Seth is my uncle, he's my mom's younger brother. All the other guys are like my older brothers, it's been that way my entire life." "Oh." "You met my family when do I get to meet yours?" "Now if you want." "Jasper, what if they don't like me? I'm a wolf..." "The only one you might have problems with would be Rosalie, she doesn't like too many people outside of our family." "Oh..." "I told them I would most likely bring you over before I came here." I hit his arm and said "Jasper!" "What?" He smirked I said, "you think this is funny don't you?" "No." "Um-hm." He grabbed my hand and said, "you're so beautiful." I blushed and looked down. He stopped walking for a minute and turned me to face him, "you are Keanna, your so beautiful..." I kissed his cheek and said, "I love you Jazz." He looked at me for a minute I blushed, "what Is it Jazz?" "Y-you said-" "I said that I loved you?" He nodded still in shock. I took a step closer to him so I was right in front of him and said "it's true Jasper, I love you. You're my imprint, you're my sole mate chosen by the moon goddess. Your the love of my life Jasper, the moment I say you I knew that... I-I was scared that my family would hate me for imprinting on a vampire, but they don't and they seem to be supporting what we have-" He kissed me on the lips and said, "you talk when your nerves you know." I nodded. I smiled at him and said "you make me that way you know... I'm usually calm..." He smiled. I grabbed his hand and said, "what way are we going?" He picked me up and put me on his back (like Edward did to Bella.) and started to run.


At the Cullen house.

Keanna's POV

Jasper put me down and said, "here we are." He grabbed my hand and smiled at me, I smiled back and kissed his cheek before we walked inside the house. Jasper led me up a few flights of stairs and to a kitchen and to see a bunch of vampires. Jasper said "this is my family. My mother Esmee, my father Carlisle, my brothers Emmett, Edward and Jackson, my sisters Alice and Rosalie, and this is Bella swan, Edwards's girlfriend. Everyone this is my mate Keanna." I smiled and said "hello." Alice came up to me and gave me a hug she said "oh we are going to be great friends! So you're the little wolf who has been keeping my brother waiting!" I laughed and said, "I guess so." Emmett said, "she's so tiny!" "You haven't seen me in wolf form have you?" Everyone shook their heads except Jasper. Rosalie said "she is a dog! The treaty states that they will not come into our land and well not going on there's." Carlisle said "Rosalie, she is Jasper's mate. Meaning she is apart of the family and you will be on your best behavior." Rosalie said "what's going to happen? Hum are we going to change her? We can't change a wolf! Aro would surely come for our heads it's bad enough the human knows about us and now a wolf? We can't protect them, especially with Victoria around? This is outright crazy!" I looked at Jasper who nodded so I said "Rosalie, I don't need your protection if I'm being completely honest. I may be small but I've got a few things up my sleeve and I have my pack. Also, wolfs don't age until they stop sifting to start a family and since I can't I will most likely not stop." Edward was giving me a sad look. Rosalie said "why can't you start a family? That's all I wanted when I was human." I looked down Jasper said, "you don't have to tell us." I nodded and said, "I think you all should know..." He nodded. I smiled at Rosalie and said "about a year ago I was involved in a car accident... The doctors didn't think that I would live to see the next day... I had glass stuck inside my stomach causing loss of blood I was dying slowly... They did emergency surgery to remove all the glass but by the end of the surgery, I was still dying. They didn't know what to do so they called in a Doctor who had just moved to forks he saved my life but there was something that had to be exchanged... The only way to stop the internal bleeding was to make sure I would never be able to have children..." Edward was looking between doctor Cullen and me,  "you saved her Carlisle?" He nodded and said "she would have died in minutes if we didn't stop the bleeding. She was still awake when I was called in to do the surgery she told me that she couldn't leave her family so I did the one thing I could do..." I nodded and said, "and that is why I can't start a family." Jasper rubbed my hand and said, "are you okay?" I nodded and said, "ya jazz, I'm fine." Alice squealed. Jasper said, "umm let's go before she drags you off shopping." I laughed and smiled.

*** end of the tour

Keanna's POV

We stopped in one last room. It was full of old and new books, "is this your room?" He nodded and said "yes." I smiled and looked at one of the books I felt arms around my waist then a head on my shoulder. I smiled and said, "I love you Jazz." "I love you more." "Jazz, I should be getting back home you know." He nodded and said, "can't you stay?" "You've met my father and brothers. They would freak if I didn't come home jazz." "I know." He was pouting a little and it was super cute. I said, "how about this- you bring me home tonight and I'll talk to my parents about letting me go to school in Forks if that's okay with the treaty of course." He kissed me and said "fine. If you don't end up going then I get to spend the weekends with you." "We'll talk about it any way you were going to anyway." "Let's get you home." We walked downstairs My hand holding Jasper's. Esmeè smiled at us and Emmett said "leaving so soon?" I nodded and said "Emily, my mom, and my dad are probably waiting... Mostly with the entire pack..." Emmett and Jackson started laughing. Alice smiled and Rosalie walked up to me, "I'm sorry about before." I smiled and said, "you didn't know and I forgive you." She smiled and gave me a hug witch surprised everyone. She said "if you ever want to talk to Alice and me about it your like a little sister to us now. We will listen if that's what you want." I nodded and said, "I would love that thank you." Esmeè and Alice gave me a hug before Jasper and I left.

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