Chapter 2 - A Day At The Pool

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Today was Saturday and I was up and ready in the kitchen making breakfast. Alaina would be here shortly because we we're heading to the pool. I flipped the eggs over as the phone rang, I took it off the hook and cotched it between my ears and shoulder flipping the eggs ensuring they weren't burnt

"Hello?" I breathed in the phone.

"Hey Ris! How's mom's princess " the chirpy voice blurted.

I smiled "Oh hey mom, I'm just making breakfast, how are you? Enjoying the vacay?"

"Yes pumpkin!  Jamaica is beautiful I have just returned from the beach. Heading to the hotel in a few minutes! " she said.

I chuckled "Glad you're enjoying. Laina will be over in a few and we be heading to the pool".

"Okay sweetie. Tell her hello. And keep being sweet okay my lil munchkin".

"Okay mom. I love you." I replied.

"I love you more baby".

The call ended and my doorbell rang. I turned the stove off and went to get it. Alaina jumped on me almost throwning us to the ground. She kissed my cheek and stepped inside.

"Smells like you burning something " she said.

I slapped her with the mitten I had on "Girl you wish. I'm a cook long time."

She laughed "I know".

She popped her iPhone out and immediately went on snapchat. I rolled my eyes the sound of the dog filter was so annoying. I got 2 plates out and placed eggs, bacon and toast on them both and set down her favourite nescafe tea French vanilla. She smiled

"Your the bestest friend ever!!! " .

I shook my head "Exactly so where's my award?"

She laughed and stretched her arms out "Right here".

I hugged her and went to get my bathsuit and towels packed. I picked up my blue 2 piece set that my mom had bought for me before she left and a silk creme and brown robe which had designs. I packed my flip flops and let my hair down. I was all set. I went back to the kitchen where Alaina was still stuffing her face. I picked her bags up and went to put them in the car along with mine. I went back inside and sat down having my breakfast.

"So what you think about Ms. Montana? " said Alaina

"Well she's really pretty, young and adorable. I think everyone's gonna enjoy her ". I replied.

"Yeaa me too. She is really pretty". She replied.

We put our plates and cups in the sink and left for the car. She got in and I after. We buckled up and I typed the location in on my GPS. We we're going to Hugo Larry's Stadium Pool. I reversed and was on my way. Alaina turned the radio on and Needed Me by Rihanna was playing her fav song she slapped me screaming and singing,

"Laina why do you always do that?" I said upset.

"Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?  " she sang .

I just rolled my eyes as I stopped at the light waiting for it to turn green. I made a left and we spotted Les and Leon window shopping I honked my horn signaling them and waved at them they waved back and smiled Les made a gesture that she gonna text me I replied with a thumbs up and went on my way. Alaina didn't even seem to notice that's how she is sometimes. We pulled up at the stadium pool searching for a parking space until Laina pointed to one, I quickly parked and got out we grabbed our bags from the trunk and went to change. After checking through the front desk we were offered our passes and we went straight to change. Alaina had on a pink 2 piece set with diamonds lacing the edge of the bra and panty it was really cute and a mesh skirt tied to her waist with her sunglasses, I quickly changed to my blue set and robe and we were on our way to the pool. When we entered through a door there were people there some that we knew and called to. We spotted 2 lawn chairs and immediately went by them we put on each others sunscreen and was lying down enjoying the sun. Music was playing and people enjoying themselves. We got up and decided we want to go for a swim we dived in the water making a huge splash. There was a bar and a snack counter in the pool. Alaina wanted me to go get her a drink so I swam over and sat on one of the stools. The bartender acknowledged me

"Hi can I have 2 orange juice please?"

He smiled "Coming right up ".

I sat there bobbing my head to the music waiting for my drinks. 2 seconds after he arrived " Here you go ".

I smiled "Thanks" I replied.

As I turned around I bumped into someone almost spilling my drinks.

"I'm sorry " I said without looking up.

"Arissa is it? " the voice said.

I looked up surprised.
"Ye- Yea" I managed to say. It was Ms. Montana.

"Enjoying yourself? " she asked.

"Yeah I am with Alaina " I pointed across.

She looked and waved at Alaina "I see. Well continue enjoying your day." She smiled.

"Likewise " and rushed off to Alaina.

"Is that Ms. Montana?" She asked.

"Yupp" I replied.

"Wow look at that ass!!" She shrieked.

I turned to see her in a red one piece set which had a cut design in the back and yes her ass was big.

"Wow" I managed to say.
I gave Laina the orange juice and we went back to our chair. I slowly sipped mine and I felt a pair of eyes starting at me but I couldn't locate them. A pool party was going to begin and Laina was ready to hit the pool again I went in behind her and I leaned back against the edge of the pool enjoying my drink. I spotted Ms.Montana by herself having a drink of what looked like rum and coke and dancing to the DJ's music. She is really sexy. She glanced over at me and I quickly looked away. Was she married I thought to myself?  Did she have kids? Who knows? She so admirable. Cant help but look again. Alaina bumped me to Drake's One Dance and I bumped her back, we started bumping and again I felt the eyes on me but can't locate them. I went to the bar to get another drink this time some coke. Alaina didn't even notice. I sat on the stool again and ordered me a coke. I felt someone's body heat nearing mine as I turned around I saw Ms. Montana. She ordered a glass of hennesy.

"Two times in one pool" she said.

I chuckled "At one bar ".

She laughed "Thats true".

I smiled at her and she smiled back I got my drinks and left. When I returned Alaina was dancing on a guy so I was by myself sipping my coke and again staring at my art teacher. The party was over and we was heading home. We got to the car. Alaina half drunk and I wondering. I reversed and was driving home. Alaina was sleeping over so at least I wouldn't be alone tonight. I pulled up in my parking space in the front yard. Alaina was silent for the whole drive and when we got in she just had a bath and went to bed. I on the other hand showered and got on my laptop searching for Ms.Montana on facebook and instagram however no results. What was her first name? That I didn't know. I stayed up wondering, there was something different about her. Sure I know my sexual orientation or so I thought. I had never been with a girl before or woman at that. I was only 17. But there something about Ms. Montana.

Dadumm! End of the second chapter. I know it's short and not the best but I tried. Please like, comment and vote. Thanks. :)


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