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The sun was hot on Belle's back, beads of sweat were forming around her hairline and she was thankful that she wore her large sunhat today to protect her skin further. She was out in the field picking some strawberries for the pies to be made, something she did every Thursday. She wore white sneakers everyday to the field, just so they could purposefully get stained with strawberry juice, adding character to them, Belle thought.

All she could think about was last night as her fingers plucked the deep red berries, the color reminded her of Harry's lips. The way his lips moved so smoothly across hers, so delicately and so beautifully. Just after one kiss, she was hooked on him and it frightened her a bit to be honest. Never had she kissed anyone that made her feel like that, she could only hope he felt the same. She wondered if he would come visit her at the field today, she had a shorter shift so if he was going to come say hi, he would have to come soon after lunch at the latest.

And Harry did feel the same. He could not stop thinking about her all night long, her hair, her eyes, her smell and just her overall being. She was magnifique. He would be lying if he said he didn't touch himself last night to the thought of her underneath him, or overtop while he's on the subject. He thought about what it would feel like to hold her naked body against his, to touch her all over while she chanted his name. Belle had put him in a trance, a trance he never wanted to escape from.

Belle and Harry had woken up in the happiest mood either of them had been in, in a while, and that's saying a lot for Belle because she's rarely in a bad mood. Harry had made himself some French toast and poured a glass of strawberry lemonade (that he purchased from Belle's field, of course). He thought about whether he should go see her today or not, he didn't want to look desperate or needy, even though that's exactly what he was, desperate to see her again, to kiss her again.

He chose to go to his art class today, deciding to visit her after class and hoping she would still be at the field. He looked out his office window as soon as he had gotten up, to see if he could catch a glimpse of Belle on her balcony, but she didn't seem to be home, she must have left early for her shift today.

Harry walks to the café where they met up yesterday, ordering exactly what she had ordered because frankly it was the only thing he could pronounce without sounding like a complete tourist. He looks around the little shop while he waits for his cookie and tea, only seeming to realize now that he doesn't even like tea, he's a coffee person. Harry wonders if he'll see Belle's head of beautiful golden brown hair shining in the morning light as she sits by the window, gazing at people and making up stories about them as they pass by, something he found slightly weird but so endearing.

Almost as soon as he realizes she's not here, he hears the barista call his name for his order, he grabs his food and drink, muttering a small and shy 'merci' before leaving to go to his class.

Belle had just finished eating her lunch that she had packed for herself this morning, a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich accompanied by a very red apple and a bottle of water. She sat underneath the tree that sat just behind and to the right of where the red barn (or bakery) was. She rested her back against the tree as she observed the costumers coming in and out, watching small children eat some strawberries while their parents weren't looking, thinking they were the sneakiest kids ever, it made Belle giggle as she took another bite of her apple.

She let her gaze drift off to the edge of the hill that the infamous strawberry field was located on, hoping she would see that little head of brown curly hair and dazzling green eyes pop up from around the corner and make his way over to her, sitting down next to her underneath the tree and maybe even kissing her. But he didn't come, she wasn't particularly waiting for him all day, yes maybe she did sneak a few glances more than usual towards the entrance, but she wasn't going to let that ruin her mood, maybe she would run into him on her way out, maybe he'd offer her a ride in his car back to her apartment.

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