Day 4

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Author's Note

Readers -

Just one quick thing. I apologize for the change in POV. I started the story in first person, and changed to third. That's my lack of attention, so I do apologize.

From here on out, the story is in third person.


"Ugh. If I see one more math equation before I die, it'll be too soon," Louis groaned.

Karyl failed to force a serious expression. "There's a math test on Monday," she pointed out slowly.

"Aaaaand there goes my life. It's gone now; over." Throwing up his hands, he fell back so his head hung off the back of the library chair.

"Well, is there a way to bring you back? I still need to study for the chemistry test next week. Not to mention, you said you'd explain the whole football ordeal to me. I don't understand what's so appealing about it."

"Nope. I'm a goner. There is no bringing me back."

"Oh. Well, that's tragic." Karyl faked a depressed sigh. "Guess I'll have to take Kevin with me and find him a new home."

Louis screamed as he shot up in his seat, grabbed the plastic pigeon from the table beside Joe the koala, and held him close. "Don't you dare lay a hand on my Kevin! He's precious and mine, and special and mine and the only one of his kind in the world. And he's mine!"

Karyl, wide-eyed, gripped her chair arms tightly. "Well, that was unexpected," she said, her level tone completely at odds with her shocked expression.

They looked at each other for a moment before they both laughed. "I guess I did overreact," Louis admitted. Reluctantly, he set Kevin back on the table and readusted his chair. "Should we study chemistry or have me explain football first?"

"After your little reaction over the pigeon, I'd say we need to find you a counselor first."

Louis rolled his eyes. "And if I threatened to turn Joe into a zoo exibit?"

Karyl squealed and grabbed the koala. "You wouldn't!" she gasped.

"No, but you get the idea. Now, truce? Neither of us does anything to the other's special precious?" He offered his hand to her.

She took his hand and they shook. "Not that I'd never do such a thing to Kevin."

"And I'd sooner let Kevin go before I let Joe get hurt. And since that will never happen, Joe is safe with me. So, chemistry or football first?"

"Okay, let's get the football thing done and over with." Setting Joe down on the table, she faced Louis.

Before he could start talking, the door to their room opened and one of the librarians entered. She glared at them. "You two quiet down right now! Or both of you are banished from the library for the semester."

"Yes, Miss Tally," they both said.

With a disapproving grunt, she left them alone, closing the door on her way out.

Karyl giggled. "Guess we'll have to find somewhere else to study, huh?"

"Would probably be a good idea. Otherwise," Louis scrunched up his face to look like Miss Tally, "we're both banished from the library for the semester!"

She grabbed Joe and burried her face in his fur to stop her laughter.

"Okay, hot cocoa, or coffee. Which sounds better to you?" Karyl asked.

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