Chapter 2

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Had I not seen the sun I could have borne the shade
-Emily Dickinson


"What the hell Erin, you can't bite me!"

That deep voice. I knew it soo well. Too damn well. I turn around quickly to face him.
"Samuel Daniel Crowe, care to explain what are you doing?"
"First of all, I do not have a second name, and secondly, i was strolling by, saw your window open and decided to pass by to say hi..So,Hi Er."

This guy is just unbelievable

"And how,pray tell, attacking me is a good way to greet me? By the way, you have to use second names when you're angry with someone, you know, gives the effect.."
"I admit, Daniel doesn't sound that bad after all.." He made that face, the one he does when he pretends to think hardly about something.
"Sam, don't avoid the question!"
"Okay, calm down tigress. I saw an opportunity and took it. Wanted to see if you always had your guard up. I care for you."
"Yep, that's way you let me be the bait for that werewolf today and let him attack me!"
"Come on! You don't even have a scratch..sorry I couldn't say the same for your jeans. I liked them."
If looks could kill, he would be dead, for the third time in a night.

When I first met Samael I thought he was an arrogant d*ck. No, actually that was the second time I met him..During the firs time I was busy keeping him from having a midnight snack from my jugular.
Useless to say, I forgave him. No hard feelings.

He's a vampire. 198 years old, sculpted jaw,brown eyes and black short hair. You could never tear him away from his leather jacket.
I happen to love his cologne.

We work together because due to his behaviour no one of Hazy Dust wanted to have him as a parter...and I'm the new one, so we stick together and get along pretty well.

You see, between the two of us there's a kind of silent agreement: we don't ask each other about our past, we help,stand and understand each other. He's the closest thing I have to a friend, together with Alyssa.

Alyssa can control the element of water. She's blond, gorgeous in my opinion, and her icy eyes get lost in her light blue-ish complexion. She help me get through ugly stuff, and she's the one that gave me my new identity. We have each other's backs.

In spite of my numerous efforts to keep them away, I do care for them. And that's something I swore myself I would have never done again.

Why? Simply because when you care for someone, you give them powers over you. You give them the power to make you feel happy, sad or worse hurt you. That's exactly why they can't and won't get too close to me.
I can't let them.

So, here they are, constantly putting up with my mood swings.

"Hei girl, stop thinking too hard, you'll get wrinkles. Have you ever seen a nineteen years old girl with wrinkles? Look at my perfect face, and I'm 198!"
"Oh, shut up you immortal! Your ego is too big for your own good."
But he did earn a smile from myself, together with a cushion thrown at his head. That....he ducked. Stupid inhumane speed.

"Have you thought about getting a roommate Erin?"
"Don't know, I like my space.."
"We work a lot..pros and cons, you would always have your fridge full"
"You know, you're a great seller!"

I don't want people at my home.
I don't want people witnessing my ever recurring nightmares. That's what holds me back...but I have to admit, it could be good.

"Have you heard from Alyssa?"
"Yep, almost forgot. She'd like to meet us tomorrow early in the morning."
"No way, she loves sleeping! How much early?"
"Seven sharp, and I know. Kinda cryptic if you ask me. I think some thing's up. It's fishy."

He likes her more than he'll ever admit, and his face let me know he was seriously worried for our friend.

"We'll found out tomorrow morning.
Get rest Samael." He looked at me and smiled.
"You know, I do care for you right?"
"I know"
"Do you want the old sexy vampire to keep you company tonight?"
His smirk make me want to strangle him, but in a good way.
Can you friendly strangle someone? Mh, don't thing so you could hug their neck.
"Don't worry, I'll be alright"

He used to hide behind his smirk and 'I don't give a care' attitude his actual love and concern.
Every time I look into his eyes, I see a part of my brother.

And, ladies and gentlemen,that's why I initially trusted him. Besides, he's a sight for sore eyes.

With a quick hug he left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I decided to take a shower.
I love taking showers.
It's just the feeling of mild water falling down and caressing my skin, washing away every care I have, memories,pain,problems..

You can either forget about the world or think about how the universe works. I think the best inventions crossed their inventor's mind inside a shower.

Laying in bed,still sleepless, I took my phone. 5 AM
Two new messages:

Samael: just spread the news you're looking for a roommate. I know you love me.


Alyssa: Got you strawberries. I know you love them. Almost veryone at the workplace loves them.

What the hell? Why would she text that? Strawberries? I'm fricking allergic! What...

And then it hit me. Strawberries. That must be our code for danger. If Samael thought something smelled fishy before, I don't know what he would say now.

I just know that we have to investigate further and we are probably screwed.

Is the office compromised or are the people inside corrupted? Either way, my cover, my identity is in danger.


I take my phone back.
A new group message

Alyssa: I love water, you too right? Makes me want to swim every time,even now at this time.

That was bad. Meaning, she wants to meet whit me and Samael by the sea now, asap.
Meaning, even our phones are not safe.


So, you met Samael..what do you think about him and Alyssa?
What about the chapter?
If you like, please do vote and comment. I ain't stopping you, and neither is Samael.

Love you

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