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12:00 AM

Status: Released in Australia, New Zealand, and United States.

Entry #1


I look out my window and watch the people outside, but I don't have to open my eyes to know that something is very wrong. All the people, their noses hovering over their phone screens as if there was some sort invisible gravitational field pulling them closer.

Disgusted with the view of the outside world, I close my window and pull myself off the couch. It's dark in the house, everyone else is asleep. . .everyone but me. I don't know why I'm awake, but I know that I'm about to find out.

After stumbling through the house and slamming my toes into any and every hard spot, I make it to the kitchen. "Am I hungry? . . .is that that the feeling that made me jump from my dreams?"

"No," I decide for myself as I slam the fridge door, "it had to have been something serious to have woken me up. I start to head back to bed when a high pitched squeak sounds through the house.


"Hold on, Pikachu!," I shout as I run to the outside shed that harbors the family pokemon. Once I make it outside I see the door to the shed lying on the ground and start to fear for the worse. Without a second thought I run into the pitch black doorway and pray that Pikachu's alright.


I whip my head around in the darkness, "Hey, who said that?"

"Ow, please don't hurt me. I was just trying to catch this Pikachu."

"Well, whoever you are, this is my Pikachu and you need to. . . ," I pause as I finally find the light switch and am suddenly greeted with the face of a young child. He raises his arm to shield his eyes from the light, and that's when I notice the phone in his hand. . .and more importantly the Pikachu on its screen.

"Hey, kid, please don't take pictures of Pikachu. He gets really camera shy and . . . well you don't want to find out what'll happen when he gets uncomfortable."

The kid looks down on his phone screen, swipes up a few times, and then looks back to me. "Sorry for intruding Mister, but I didn't take any pictures of your Pikachu. I just caught my own is all," he says before pressing his phone to my face.

On the screen I see a poorly animated Pikachu, surrounded by several levels and stats. I lean in closer and turn back to the kid, "What is this," I ask.

"Oh, you don't know? It's this new app that everyone has been talking about. It was just released it today, they call it Pokémon Go.

Gone Too Far: A Pokémon Go Original Story FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now