Chapter 1

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"Pokémon Go. . . ?," I ask the kid while still staring at the weird Pikachu on his phone.

The kid notices me staring and shoves his phone inside his back pocket before responding, "Yeah, you haven't heard of it? Well, I guess it makes sense cause you are pretty old school."

"Aah," I start to protest, " What is that supposed to mean kid?!"

"Haha," the kid starts to laugh but then collects himself," I didn't mean any offense, sir, I just meant that catching Pokémon in the wild is ancient tradition now. The new, easy way to catch Pokémon is with Pokémon Go, I mean you don't even have to battle against wild Pokémon anymore!"

"What. . .how is that possible?," I ask the kid with a bewildering tone.

The kid starts out the door, seemingly satisfied and says with a smirk, "Well, why don't you try downloading the app yourself?" 

With those last words, the kid disappears and I'm left alone with my thoughts. . .oh, well I guess my thoughts and Pikachu. I get up and start to look for my best friend, "Pikachu, where'd you go, buddy?"

"Pika pi"

I turn around and Pikachu is already settled back into his bed, so I turn and head to go find my own bed. Although, I doubt I'll be able to get any sleep in it.


"Aaaash!," yells my wife from the kitchen.

". . ."

"Staryu, use Water Gun"

I hear the water before it rains down over my bed, but I'm too sleep deprived to dodge the attack. As I wipe the water off my face, I open my eyes to see one of the most beautiful women in the world standing in front of me. . .with a not-so-beautiful expression on her face.

"Mhm, so you're finally up I see, " my wife says with a devilish smirk.

I almost slip out of bed and reply with, " Oh, sorry, dear, I was having this amazing dream about the orange islands and suddenly this tsunami came, and. . .," I start to trail off as I notice her ocean blue eyes watching me.

She nervously puts her arm behind her head, just like she use to when we were kids, and starts to giggle.

"What, what is it?," I ask.

Her soft giggles then turn to stomach clenching chuckles as she struggles to speak, "hahaHAHAH! I'm sorry, it's just. . .," she starts to trail off inot another chorus of laughter with adjoining tears

"It's just what?," I ask, starting to feel a little giddy myself.

"It's. . . your HAIR!," she blurts out before falling face first into the bed next to me," your looks like a Piloswine!"

I leap from the bed and my wife's laugh ridden figure, and run to the bathroom. After switching on the lights, I took one look in the mirror and lose it. Soon enough I'm contorted into the fetal position on the bathroom floor and struggling to breathe through my laughter. 

A few minutes that feel more like hours pass, and my wife and I are finally able to overcome our laughter. We both head to the kitchen for some, now cold, breakfast.

"Aw man, I spent all morning cooking this breakfast and now look at it, " my wife says overlooking the desolated  entrée.

"Don't get upset," I try to sound reassuring as I pick up our breakfast," let  good ol' Ash fix this," I say as I head to the back shed with our plates in hand.

I try to tread lightly as I walk through the shed, mostly because I'd rather not feel the wrath of an ill tempered Mankey. I stop once I get to Charizard's nest and knock as softly as I can.

"Hey, Charizard, pal, I need a favor," I whisper through the stone door. 

It's a few seconds before I hear a set of responding thumps on the other side of the door, and decide it's safe for me to come in. But right as I start to make my way inside, a scream from inside the house makes me trip and fall into a nearby stack of wood.


"Oh no!, " I start to say as I struggle to pull myself up. It's already too late by the time I'm on my feet and Mankey, with its fists blazing, is already heading straight towards me. I start to run towards the house with hopes that I can make it inside before I get pummeled to death, when I think to myself,". . .and all this without any breakfast."

I'm just a few feet from the house when I call for my wife , "Misty, help!. . open the door!"

". . ."

With no answer I decide to go around the house with hopes that it will be enough to wear out Mankey. 

I've run circles around the house about four times now, but Mankey is still hot on my trail. "Man, I should of used Mankey in that Skiddo Ranch race about sixteen years ago, " I think to myself. My thoughts are then interrupted as I run into Misty, who seems to have just appeared out of thin air.

"Ow, Ash, watch where you're going! You almost made me miss that Seel, I've been tracking it all morning," she shouts as I'm tackled to the ground.

"A Seel ?," I ask as I look around the meadows surrounding us. I struggle to get a good look around as Mankey starts to wail on me, though I try my best to crawl away but soon give up. 

Once Mankey finishes its rampage, I go up to Misty to try and see this mysterious Seel. "Agh, thanks for the help back there. But anyways, where's this Seel you caught?"

"See, isn't it just adorable?," she boasts staring into the screen of her phone.  Misty then holds her phone screen up to my eyes and shows me this little animated Seel, which happens to look just like the Pikachu I saw on that kid's phone last night.

And then that's when it hits me, but I ask to be sure, "Umm. . .Misty, would you happen to be playing that Pokémon Go app?"

She starts to twirl around with her phone in hand and dreamily replies, "Mhm, I downloaded it last night."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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