chapter 1

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* two months later*

When I woke up in the hospital I was confused because after my "speech" my memory went blank. I sat up a little too quickly and got dizzy so I lay back down and "investigated" the room.

I was dressed in an ugly green and white dress, lying down on a hideous blue and super uncomfortable bed. In the room there was an old lady who looked like she's in her 90's; beside her was a five year old girl. Beside each bed stood a night table, the night tables beside the occupied beds were all towered with cards and presents. I looked at the five year olds night table and saw all her cards and presents, and then I saw all of the old lady's gifts and started feeling sad and lonely that I hadn't gotten a single gift!

Then I looked at my night table excepting it to be empty but to my surprise it was stuffed with gifts and presents I had gotten even more than the old lady and the five year old put together!

My ADHD started working up and I felt like if I wouldn't open those gifts up I would die! Most of the presents were the same old boring feel better soon with some chocolate attached! There were two interesting ones; the one that made me most curios read:

"Sup' fat disorder!

I think that before I tell you about how I'm sorry and get better and blah blah, that you should know that I'm only writing this letter to you because my mom warned me that if I wouldn't write it she would extend my grounding for two months instead of one. Also I'm not allowed to hang out with lily until I get at least an 'A' in more than half of the classes I take. She also made me waste my savings on the chocolates and flowers which she also made me send you.

Here's what she made me write to you: sorry for breaking your arms and leg and any other damage I've done to you also it will never happen again. Feel better soon.

From: someone who hates you and is seeking his revenge."

Yes it the card was anonymous all I knew about him is that has grounded for a month, needs to get more 'A's and is from Lily's gang.

The other interesting card was from all of Lily's gang together it was one big homemade cookie witch I think is poisoned and then all of their signatures around the letter that read: "sorry for hurting you we won't do it again."

After a few minutes of rereading both notes over and over again trying to get all of the information out them, the nurse walked very surprised by the mess of gifts on the floor but when she saw that I was awake she was over joked! She called in all the doctors for a quick celebration.

My parent came running into the room about fifteen minutes later holding a cake with the words "good morning" written all over it!

After my parents caught me up on what I had missed at home, the doctors did a few tests on me and told my parents my condition. They told my parents that I would have to stay at the hospital overnight so that they can look after me and make sure that I'm okay. After that I would need to stay home from school for a week and drop into the hospital daily for a cheek up but after that my life would go back to normal (that is besides my broken parts until they'll heal).

But I knew my life would never be the same again.

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