chapter 3: song meanings

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I will only list a few songs... sorry if you wanted more, if you have a song in mind you want me to decode just send me a  request, id be more than happy to decode.

Cleanin' out my closet- Eminem is trying to make amends with his mom and putting all the things that have gone on between them, behind him , hence he is "cleanin' out his closet"


Like toy soldiers- This song samples a 1989 hit "Toy soldiers" by Martika and is talking about rap fueds between rappers and is comparing toy soldiers are being controlled by someone else, which in many cases is a record company that sells albums and profits from the controversy.

_____^^dont belive me GOOGLE IT___^^

Mosh- In this song he is saying the goverment is not giving the people a voice and how he is fed up with Bush.


Sorry i didnt add much but like i said in the begining of this chapter, just send me a message or a comment ON THIS CHAPTER. the reason i only wrote these songs were because they were  the only songs i took notes on. Once again i'm truly sorry. stay tooned for more quick facts on Marshall Mathers.

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