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Me:Wow riley i cant fucking believe your alive
In response she wrote: i cant believe it either until i felt myself being shaken to death
Me:Yea sorry about that i kinda had a vision that you weren't dead
Then she wrote:I dont know what your talking about but i love it and thanks babe
Me:Your welcome baby
Then she wrote:I miss danielle i wish she was here but that BASTARD killed her what happened to him
Me;he was senteced to life
Then she wrote:He should have gotten a fucking death penalty
I chuckled
Me;I don't think they do that anymore
Then she wrote:THEY DO
Me:Is your voice ok
She nodded taking the oxygen mask off
Riley:Its fine but i have to wear this oxygen mask because the bullet knocked the air out of me
She put the oxygen mask back on breathing into it
Me:Well im just glad your ok
Then riley started talking threw the mask
Riley:I heard what you said
Riley:When the doctor said i was dead yous said it was all your fault but it wasnt
Me:Riles I...
Riley:No i should have told him to leave when you told me to and i shouldn't have never gaven macy my number when you were in the hospital these are my mistakes joe that im learning from
Riley pov
Joe:These mistakes are what almost killed you baby
Me:I know joe but i learned didnt i
Joe looked at me raising one eyebrow
Me:Kiss me
I took off my oxygen mask as we kissed passionately then i pulled away putting my mask back on breathing into it
Joe:Will you marry me
I looked at joe who was on one knee holding a ring in a box
Joe:Baby i dont know how to say this or express this but the way i feel about us is basically no word better than perfect Riley i want things for us to get serious im tired of everybody stopping is from being together i just want tp focus on US i really love you i know Danielle isnt here to see this but she would be really happy and want you to say yes please Riley will you marry me
Me:Yes joe baby i will marry you
I moved my oxygen mask as he slipped the ring in my finger we kissed passionately turning the kiss into a huge makeout session
We pulled away looking at joelle running towards me with a book book she threw it i screamed and joe caught it before it hit me
Joelle:ohhh oops
Sasha ran in diving on the bed hugging Riley who giggled i smiled watching them
Sasha:whats on your finger
Me;joe proposed.
Sasha looked at me
Sasha:you just magically had a ring with you
Joe:I already had it i was gonna put it in her casket but when i figured out she wasnt dead i kept it in my pocket for this
i smiled as joe interwined our fingers
Me:Joe i have a question
Me:why the hell did you start shaking me
Joe:I had no other choice really
Sasha:He scared everybody at the funeral i swear i thought he lost it
Joe chuckled
Joe:i knew exactly what i was doing
I looked at joe then i remembered something important
Me:Baby hand me that pen and paper right there
Joe handed it to me i wrote down the code to danilles will
Joe:Whats that
Me:Its the code to danielles will
Everyone looked at me
Me:Only one person in this room gets her will and whoever gets it nothing will change all of you will promise me right now that whoever gets this will everyone will still be loved the same and nobodys fighting or anything
Sasha:Ok i promise
Joe:I promise
Joelle:me too
Jon:Whoever gets that will is buying me pizza
Everyone looked at jon
Me:There is Two million dollars in that will i wrote it out for two people each person gets one million
Everyone's eyes widened
Joe:You gave her life insurance??
Me:yea when she was one
Sasha:So who gets the code
A smirk grew on my face as i looked at everyone in the room

Who are the two people do you thinks getting danielles will?

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